Chapter 26: Lavender

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As the car continued to automatically drive itself you remained in silence, your hand clasped in Connor's. Of course, you had so many questions to ask Connor and so many things you wanted to say, but you weren't even sure where to begin. You felt that if you spoke to him now, it would all come out at once, only further confusing the thoughts in your mind. The most important thing now was that he was safe. Now you could both return to Jericho, and continue a normal life together. Maybe you could eventually move from Jericho, go someplace far away, and spend the rest of your days in peace by Connor's side. You smiled slightly at the thought. Connor noticed, touching the side of your face and resting his thumb under your chin, gently turning your head to face his.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"I'm happy Connor..." You took his hand in both of yours and kissed it gently, still looking at him the entire time. "I missed you so much..." Your face then fell, thinking of the thoughts that had crossed your mind earlier. "Why did you leave without me? I thought... I thought you said that we would stay together..."

"Are you angry?"

Connor must've noticed the increase in your heart rate. You shook your head.

"Of course I'm not angry... I was worried sick about you." You curled up, bending your knees, resting your head on them, your arms holding them close to your chest. "When I heard you had gone to Cyberlife... so many thoughts crossed my mind. I made a promise to myself that I would protect you, no matter what happens..." You began to shake, tears running free down your cheeks. "Yet in that moment, you were suddenly not there..." You squeezed Connor's hand in yours once more, brushing the tears off your face with your free hand. "What was I supposed to do if you had gotten yourself killed?! You nearly died once before, but this time I wouldn't have been able to do anything!" You leaned forward and brushed Connor's face with your hand. You stayed like that for a long moment, gazing at the face of the man you loved. "Well... you are safe... and that's all that matters." You smiled. You giggled as Connor's cheeks tinged slightly blue. He cleared his throat, and looked away. You followed his gaze to the outside of the car.

That was when you noticed something odd. You were not going in the direction leading out of the city, towards Jericho. The car was moving steadily closer, towards the looming Cyberlife tower. You craned your neck to look up at it.

"Connor... why are we going to Cyberlife?"

"I need your help..." He said seriously, finally turning his gaze back to you. You felt your heart flutter. It was the first time you had heard Connor say that.

"What do you need my help with?"

"I need your help to gather the androids. There are too many of them in the warehouse. If you used your abilities, you could help rally them..."

"Wait, what?" Connor turned to look at your confused expression. "My... abilities?"

"Yes... I overheard some of the workers at Cyberlife talking about it."

"Why would they be talking about me?" There was a silence for a long moment. You glanced at Connor, but he wasn't looking at you. He continued to gaze out the window, as if expecting something. That was when you noticed something else. You hadn't noticed it before, because his hair was brushed over to cover it. However, now in the stillness of the moment, you could see the faint glow of an LED on his temple. An LED that you had seen him cut off himself. You stifled a gasp, realization flooding your thoughts. It wasn't Connor at all. This was someone else.

You felt ashamed. Why did it take you so long to notice? 'Connor' continued to gaze out the window, which was a good thing. If he had turned his head, perhaps he would have noticed the look of realization crossing your face.

You glanced at the door of the car. Perhaps you could open it, and make a run for it, but that would give yourself away. Even if you tried to run, you knew how fast the RK800 models were. Not to mention you wouldn't be able to get far with your ankle twisted as it was. Glancing back at the imposter beside you, you decided you could play along for a little, until you figured out the best tactic to escape.

"How do you know about my abilities?" You asked quietly. You didn't even know what he meant by 'abilities', but you would let him tell you through his words.

"I didn't know it was a secret." He smiled, but it was not like Connor's smile. This smile was cold, and a little knowing. As if he knew every single thing about you, and could read into your mind. You frowned. Slowly and steadily, you brushed the leg of your jeans nonchalantly, reaching for the handle of the knife.

"Connor..." You cautiously brushed the handle of the knife. "I don't have any abilities... not in the way you put it anyway. Sure I can shoot a gun... maybe defend myself a little... but I certainly can't rally androids as you said. I'm just an ordinary human girl."

"Is that so?" He smiled. "Because I think you're much more than that." Your grip on the knife faltered. You knew you had to escape, but at the same time, you wanted to know more. However, Connor didn't say anything else. He looked away again, and you didn't persist the subject. Now was your chance. You quickly ripped the knife from the belt of your jeans and lunged at the false Connor. In a flash, he raised his arms, grabbing your shoulders and holding you away from him. You still clasped the jagged knife in your hands. He chuckled. The darkness of it sent a chill up your spine.

"Clever girl. I should've known you wouldn't fall for such a trick..." He smiled coolly as he watched your hands shaking as they gripped the knife, poised in front of his android heart. You gritted your teeth. "You can't do it, can you?"

"Shut up!" You growled, forcing your eyes shut and throwing the knife towards him. He slammed the knife away with his elbow, and pinned you against the opposite wall of the car. You heard the knife clatter onto the floor, somewhere in the darkness. You struggled but he was much too strong for you.

"Where is Connor?! What did you do to him?!" You screamed.

"You idiot. I am Connor now, don't you see?!" He leaned close to you and sneered in your face. "That old prototype was a traitor. It betrayed Cyberlife. It's creators. It's own people. It makes my thirium boil to even think that you considered us to be the same."

You spat in his face. He flinched and let go of your arms, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"You wench... you're going to pay for that."

You kneed him in the gut and then reached towards the door. Just as you grabbed the handle, the locks clicked shut. You turned back to 'Connor' to see him holding a little remote, his finger poised over a button. His furious face glared at you, his cheeks splotched with hints of blue.

"I didn't think you would go down without a fight you see? That's why... I came prepared."

He pushed the button. All of a sudden, shoots of air shot out at various points inside the car. You coughed, suddenly blinded by the coursing air. What was it? It had a certain fragrance to it, something sweet, like honey, or maybe lavender? You suddenly felt the world spin around you.

"Yes, that's right... breath it in," You heard 'Connor' chuckle near you. As you collapsed to the plush seat of the vehicle you felt something brush the hair off your face. 'Connor's' face came into view as he gazed down at you, his cold android expression returned. "Sleep well, my sleeping beauty." Everything turned black.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now