Chapter 2: You can't fix what's already broken

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The homicide investigation went better than planned. Connor's skills surpassed even the best officers, and he analyzed the crime scene with ease. You simply followed along, writing notes, and giving your insights when the Lieutenant asked. You were the one who suggested that the Deviant is likely to still be hiding in the house, and Connor agreed with the possibility. Eventually a search of the evidence pointed to the attic, and Connor insisted on going up alone. Before the other officers had time to react, Connor called down to them, saying that he found the Deviant they were looking for.

You now stood behind the glass overlooking the interrogation room, watching Connor interrogate the android, who refused to reply to any questions. It hurt you. You didn't like watching it, even though you had witnessed it many times before during your training.

The words that the android said reminded you of some things in your past; things you had tried so hard to forget. You shuddered. "Not now..." You told yourself. "You can't think about this right now..." You stood up straight, gulping. You noticed the Lieutenant watching you curiously.

"You alright there [F/N]?"

You nodded, taking a moment to calm yourself. "If the androids stress levels get too high, he will self destruct. We can't allow that to happen. We should stop the interrogation."

Now Detective Reed was listening in, and he refused to stop the interrogation. "You should stay out of this sweetie. Leave it to the experts." You glared at him. Then you looked desperately at L.T. Anderson. Connor was still interrogating the android in the background. You flinched as you heard android whimper in response to his shouting. The Lieutenant stood up. You sighed with relief as he walked over to the door.

Detective Reed followed after him, trying to stop the Lieutenant from calling it off, but Connor already got all the information he needed. He left and the android refrained from self destructing, much to your relief. Connor convinced the android to walk out of the interrogation room quietly, and wait in a cell, which it did.


"I thought I'd find you here."

You turned. You had been standing in front of the cell that the HK400 android now sat in. Connor stood behind you. You remained quiet as he walked closer to stand beside you. You finally asked, "What's going to happen to it?" Connor looked at you and you met his gaze. That was enough. You already knew what happens to Deviant androids; Though you still didn't like it, no matter what the reason was for it.

"Lieutenant Anderson told me that you were the one who wanted to call the interrogation off. Why is that?"

"Androids self-destruct if their stress levels get too high..."

"But that wasn't the only reason, was it?" You let out a gasp. Connor stared at you with a very calculating look. Those eyes seemed to know everything. You couldn't hide from him.

"I don't believe it was right for him to murder the man... but..." You gritted your teeth but continued anyway, "I do believe he should have fought back. He was only trying to protect himself." Connor didn't reply. You took to stared at your shoes. The android in its cell sat silently. You could tell it was listening, but it didn't show a single sign of response.

"Lieutenant Anderson hates androids..." Connor continued, "Why do you care about androids so much?"

You hesitated. Could you really tell Connor the truth?

"I am only returning the favour... androids cared about me more than humans ever did." You put your hand on the glass, staring not at the glass, but through it, to your past. You could still see Connor's reflection in the glass, beside you. He didn't reply, so you continued.

"My mother was never really at home... I never saw her with the same man. It was always someone different..." 

You went on to tell Connor how your mother bought an android maid, to take care of you as a child. That android became more like a mother to you than your real mother ever was. 

"But my mother didn't see her as that... she only treated her as a machine..." You tried to hide your anger from the memory. "She only noticed her whenever she wanted to take her anger out on something. Mother would hit her, burn her, push her down the stairs... and Rachel... that was my name for her... she would put up with all of it, without complaint."

"Where is it now?"

You had almost forgotten that Connor was there. You stood up straighter and moved away from the glass, still not meeting his calculating eyes.

"Rachel is gone... A self-driving car backed into her. She was completely destroyed beyond repair..." You gulped down your emotions. "My mother bought a replacement model that looked exactly like her... but it wasn't her. This new Rachel didn't even know I existed..."

Connor remained silent while you stood there. You suddenly felt extremely embarrassed. You'd never told anyone that story, and here you were, telling it to this android you hardly even knew.

"What made you want to go into android studies?"

You'd already gone this far, so you figured you may as well tell him the rest.

"Rachel was all I had... if I could create other androids, give more little children someone to look up to..." You whispered, "Then that would make me happy..."

Just then, you heard footsteps approaching. You saw Lieutenant Anderson's reflection in the glass.

"What do you two think you're doing?" Connor turned to face him. You remained in front of the glass, the deviant still unresponsive.

"[F/N]... I thought I told you not to stare at it." You finally turned to face him.

"Sorry Lieutenant Anderson."

He sighed, "One of the other investigators notified me on an AX400 android that recently murdered a man. Apparently it's been spotted in the Ravendale area, and apparently we have to track it down. I'm gonna need you to start doing your job Connor."

"Yes Lieutenant."

"You too [F/N]." You looked down and away from him. He continued, "You're the reason why we managed to track down this Deviant. Track down another and I'll buy you a drink." He laughed as he walked away.

"The Lieutenant seems to be in high spirits..." You muttered.

"The positive results in our investigation managed to get him off work early," Connor continued, "His alcohol blood levels are already 2.5% above the recommended consumption."

"Well... I guess I should go..." You murmured. "I had to pass on some documents to Captain Fowler and he requested I do it today." You glanced back at the Deviant one more time, still motionless behind the glass. You started to walk away, past Connor, when he suddenly grabbed your hand. "Wait!"

You gasped in surprise at the sudden cold touch of his fingers. He took his hand back sharply.

"I just wanted to say... that I think you're doing the right thing." He hesitated, "I think Rachel would be proud."

"You're just saying that because you are programmed to..." You muttered.

"No..." He said slowly, "I am saying that because it's the truth."

You felt your cheeks turn pink. 'I shouldn't have told him...'  You thought. Yet those were exactly the words you needed to hear after all this time. Connor looked at you silently.

"I-I should go..." You left quickly, before he could see the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. 

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now