Chapter 42: Cruel Device

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All you heard was the sound of screaming, echoing off the walls, piercing through your pounding head. After a moment, you realised they were your screams.

Through your blurring vision, you saw Kamski standing over you, holding a small device in his hand. Some kind of button? You winced, your body shuddering and writhing in the pain. It was agony. You wished for it to stop. You didn't care how, you just wanted the pain to end.

You felt someone wrap you in their arms. It was Connor. You felt tears spill from your eyes as you continued to shake and scream. Why weren't you falling unconscious?! Why were you still so awake and aware of every muscle, every tissue, every organ of your body shuddering and seeming to catch fire?!

"What did you do to her?!" You heard Connor shout over the noise.

"Didn't you forget Connor?!" Kamski threw the device to the side. It clattered near your head. "You're not the only one who is a machine. Don't look bewildered. I know your replacement transferred it's memories to you."

You screamed again, a fresh wave of pain flooding your body. Connor held you tighter.

"It's okay... you're okay..."

But it was not okay: You had never felt so much pain in your life.

You sensed Kamski stepping past you. Craning your neck against the pain, you saw the RK900 standing in stunned shock near the loading dock elevator with the deviants all loaded onto it.

"You would do this to your own daughter?" The RK900 rasped.

"I wasn't aiming to hurt her." Kamski chuckled darkly. "Hearing her in pain hurts you the most, doesn't it?" The RK900 winced and looked away. "I always knew you were deviant. You can't hide something like that from your creator." In a flash, the RK900 was on the ground, Kamski towered over him, holding a similar device to the one torturing you.

"Do you like my new invention?" Kamski looked down at the writhing android. "Painful isn't it? Human bodies are fragile. But... machines are even more fragile." Kamski let out a cackle. You could no longer scream anymore, even in all your pain. His sadistic laugh echoed throughout the otherwise silent warehouse. The deviant androids moved closer together in fear.

Suddenly there was a bang. The gun that Connor had been hiding in his cargo jacket this whole time was now aimed at Kamski. Blood splattered on the warehouse tiles. Kamski fell to one knee, clutching his shoulder.

"How interesting... I did not predict this," He chuckled again. "It's fortunate you were... distracted. Otherwise I might be dead."

With blurry eyes, you watched as the RK900 took this distraction, suddenly springing to his feet and lunging at Kamski. The RK900 quickly pinned Kamski to the ground, gritting his teeth against the pain still pounding in his head.

"G-Go... onto the elevator!!"

Connor didn't hesitate for a second. He scooped you into his arms and ran to the elevator. Connor glanced back as the RK900 punched Kamski, then forced himself onto his feet, grabbing onto the side of the elevator and climbing up just before it left the ground. A second later and he wouldn't have made it. Through your unfocused gaze, you stared at Kamski's body as the elevator took you further and further away from him. You were unaware of your own still writhing limbs until Connor clasped you tighter.

"[F/N]... what did he do to you?" Connor's voice was filled with fear and horror. You tried to respond, but you could only gasp in pain. He gripped your shoulders tighter. "[F/N]!! Please tell me you're alright!!" He seemed so far away. So distant. Black spots appeared in your vision. You felt only relief as you slipped blissfully into unconsciousness.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now