Chapter 43: Inside the Barricade

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You awoke to the sound of gunshots. The first thing you noticed was that there was no more pain. Even with only a few minutes of having been in so much agony, the bliss of being without it felt amazing. The second thing you noticed was that you could see the sky. Surprisingly, even with the sound of the battle, the sky was clear and blue. It had felt like you would never see that sky again.

"Oh, you're awake!!" You heard a light and slightly high pitched voice. Seconds later, a familiar face loomed over you; A stunningly beautiful teenage girl with long blonde hair and emerald eyes. She still had the long scar that spread across the left side of her face.

"Jade!!" You gasped. Her face shone in a smile. You sat up too quickly, and it felt as if your brain rattled against the sides of your head. You winced and Jade grasped your shoulders, steadying you.

"Are you okay?!" Jade gushed. She didn't give you a moment to reply. "I was so worried about you, you know!! You were in so much pain. I didn't know what I could possibly do, and I know that humans don't exactly have a way to 'turn off' pain sensitivity. Connor was really really worried but he gave you some of that thiriumdio... dio... thirium stuff and you seemed to get better almost instantly!"

With your still slightly muddled brain, you struggled to keep up. "J-Jade, slow down!" Jade took in a breath, but did not slow her pace.

"When Markus told me that you were gone... I-I didn't know what had happened to you!" Her voice took on a more desperate note. "Why did you leave without even telling me [F/N]?! I thought you were dead!!" Her emerald eyes filled with tears. She loosened her grip on you and began to wipe at her face. "You didn't even say goodbye!! I had just lost Nox, I didn't want to lose you too!"

You didn't know how to reply, or where to even begin. When Markus had told you that Connor had gone back to Cyberlife, all you could think of was getting him back. It hadn't crossed your mind that as you cared about Connor, others cared about you.

"I'm sorry Jade..." You eventually murmured, pulling the android into your arms. "I'm so sorry..." She clung onto your shirt. You stayed together like that for a while, feeling content in the moment. Then hesitantly, you pulled away to look at the world around you.

"Where are we?" You whispered in confusion. Because this place you were in was no place you could recognize.

You had been resting behind sacks and crates piled on top of each other. The ground beneath you was damp and hard, cement covered with a thin layer of snow. A blanket which must have been placed over you was now in a crumpled heap beside you. You slowly began to stand up, but Jade grabbed your arm and pulled you back down.


"Why not?" You looked at Jade very seriously. "Jade, what is this place?"

"This is Detroit."

You took another long look around you. Was this place really Detroit? Right now, Detroit looked like nothing more than a war zone. Snow whistled past you, cascading onto barricades of sacks, crates and other materials stacked on top of each other. It was clear that the gunshots came from beyond the barricade, and you could see androids trying to dodge and defend themselves as best as possible.

"They're firing?!" You gasped, beginning to grasp the situation. Jade nodded.

"Markus and the others tried to be peaceful, but the soldiers wouldn't listen. They decided to fire anyway," Jade wrung her hands together nervously. "We've lost many... Even after your group brought us so many more to fight with us."

"Where's Connor?"

"He's out there too! Markus didn't know how to save us, so they've started to fight back. Connor and RK are the best fighters we have."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now