Chapter 40: Reboot

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Initialization protocol engaged. Rebooting system scan.




System scan complete. Components #8456w, #6847j, #8087q, #1995r damaged. Initializing repair procedure.


Components #8456w, #6847j, #8087q, #1995r repaired. Rebooting system scan.


Component #9301, #9745h missing. Scanning for updates.


Scans complete. System is functional.

Rebooting system in 3... 2... 1.

Connor's eyes flickered open. At first, his vision was clouded with specks of light, fuzzy and blurry. He tried to scan his surroundings, but was still unable to connect them to anything he knew of. He was in an unknown place in an unknown room. Slowly, Connor twisted his head to the side, trying to comprehend it. He could not remember how he had come to be here. Slowly, very slowly, he sat up.

"Connor!!" He heard a gasp beside him. A voice that sounded so familiar and yet so far away echoed in those words. He turned, and your eyes met.

You stared at each other for a long moment. Connor at first, was bewildered. He knew your face, yet he couldn't quite place it. Then the memories came rushing back. So many memories, flooding every thought. He winced, holding his head, as he seemed to see his life flash before him. The moment he awoke in his android form. The moment he met Amanda, was assigned his mission, met Lieutenant Anderson, was introduced to the Detroit City Police Department. He saw the moment you came into his life, the times that seemed an eternity ago when he believed himself to be only a machine. He relived those moments where you took his hand, and showed him that there was more to life than a program, a mission, an order. He felt the moment where he destroyed those red walls that held him back, turning himself into a deviant. He saw the world seem to shift into high definition for the first time, all because you had opened his eyes. As the thoughts flooded into him, he clenched and unclenched his hands, feeling the thirium rush through him. He remembered what happened to him just before he had come here, the moment where he had come to Cyberlife to gather more androids; only to have at unexpected visit from his replacement. As those memories flooded into him, new memories appeared. Ones that seemed unfocused, as if they were not created from himself. He saw himself seeing through someone else's eyes. He saw Kamski, his creator whom he had never met in person, yet through those eyes he knew it was him. He felt his body undergoing rigorous training, his aim destroying android after android. He saw you, lying in a white room, the strong smell of sanitation clouding his mind. He sensed your presence near him as he led you up the hallway, and he felt the moment he winced in pain from his memories. He felt the shock at learning the truth about you, the pain as he was forced to make you train to manipulate. He felt through that other self of his the despair at wanting to save you, but not knowing how. Then he had a flash of memory, an image of an android who looked just like him gripping his hand and staring intently into his eyes.

Connor was shaken out of his dazed state by the feeling of something damp on his face. With shaking hands, he touched his cheek; And for the first time in his life, he realized that he was crying.

For a long time, neither of you said anything, as you sat beside Connor, your arms squeezing around him. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Connor stroked your hair. He wondered if perhaps he was dead. Perhaps his luck at surviving his first near death incident was already gone. But he felt thirium pulsing in his chest. He was alive; as much as an android could possibly be.

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