Chapter 21: Tracked

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You didn't move for a long moment. Even as the blood from the back of your neck dripped down your arm, you continued to stare at the chip. Then very slowly, you scooped it into your hands and raised it to the flickering light.

At first you wanted to believe it was simply a piece of plastic. But as you analysed it closer in the light, there was no denying it; it was a micro chip. But how did it get there? What was it for? Why was it inside you in the first place? So many questions raced through your mind.

You turned it over and over. If it had been working before, it certainly wasn't working now. The pocket knife saw to that. You felt like screaming. But even as you gazed at the microchip in petrified shock, only a whimper left your throat. You couldn't understand it. You couldn't think of a time where something like this had been put into you. Yet here it was, clear as anything, stained with your blood.

As you thought, you noticed that the blood was now dripping onto the floor. You carefully placed the microchip on the counter of the bathroom. As you continued to process this strange situation, you cleaned the blood from your body, and washed the dirt from your face and hair. Once you were dry, you pulled a clean white t-shirt over your head and faded jeans. Fresh blood beaded from your wound. You made a mental note to put a bandage on it once you returned to your bag. Most of the bandages were lost in healing damaged androids, and also in the escape from the freighter in the first place, but you still had a couple left for dire situations.

Your thoughts trailed off as you considered Jericho. The attack on Jericho had happened so suddenly, with no warning or time for preparation. There was no time to think when the soldiers raced in, shooting androids to the floor. How did they know where Jericho was? It was all kept so deeply hidden, the graffiti system proved that. You cautiously scooped the microchip into your hands and gazed at it. Suddenly, all the pieces fit.

It was a tracker. The micro chip was a tracker. You gasped as it fell from your hands, clattering once more on the floor. You backed away, until your head grazed the tiled wall. Your breathes came sharply, quickly, until you were practically hyperventilating in fear. It was a tracker all along. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you tried to calm your breaths. Someone had deliberately put the chip inside your neck, with the purpose of tracking you; And they found you alright. Because of you, Jericho was now gone; and half its population was gone with it.

"What have I done...?" You muttered, as you sank down the wall, your head in your hands.

You were interrupted with a knock at the door.

"[F/N]," You heard North's voice outside. "Your time is up. Are you finished?"

You clambered to your feet. You had to get out of here. If they were tracking you, still tracking you, then they would know where you are. You had to tell Connor, right now. Everyone had to get out of Jericho before they attacked again.

You shoved open the door. North was clearly taken aback by your dishevelled and panicked expression. You gazed at her for a long moment, considering telling her. You still gripped the microchip in your left hand.

"Are you finished?" North repeated, deciding to ignore your expression.

"Where's Connor?"

"What?" She looked confused. "How would I know?" She narrowed her eyes again and your worried face. "What's going on? Did something happen?"

You pushed past her, racing past the androids. Sweat beaded down your forehead, and you brushed it out of your eyes. You had to find Connor and tell him everything. Yet he was no where to be seen.

"Connor!!" You called, hoping he would hear. "Connor!" But no one responded to your calls. You paced around the pews of the church desperately searching for him; but he was no where to be found.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now