Chapter 16: Tremors

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"A mission?" Markus repeated Connor's words. "What kind of mission?"

Connor swiftly flicked the coin between his fingers into his pocket. "That shouldn't be any of your concern." Connor began to walk away.

"You did it to protect that human girl, didn't you?" Connor paused. He didn't reply, but his silence was response enough. Markus continued, "Why is she so important to you? Why would you go to such lengths to--"

"Because it is [F/N]," Connor replied curtly. "She has done more for me than anyone else ever has..." His face softened, looking at his own hands, clenching them and unclenching them. "She makes me human."

Markus didn't reply. Though Connor could still sense his presence behind him. Slowly, Connor turned to meet his serious gaze again. Somehow they were so different; but at the same time, they were so alike.

"Which side are you on Connor?" Markus tilted his head. "The human side, or the android side?"

"Neither. I'm on [F/N]'s side," Connor didn't look away. "I should be asking you the same question."

Markus took a moment to respond. "I want equality. I want humans and androids to be able to live in peace. I want androids to be respected."

"Your speech told me otherwise." Connor furrowed his brows. "'No human will live in peace until we are free,'" Connor reiterated, in a voice that sounded very much like Markus's voice. Markus remained silent as Connor continued. 

"I remember when I was investigating the break-ins caused by deviant androids. The destruction caused to towns... buildings and stores destroyed... human lives hurt or injured in the attacks..." Markus couldn't meet his gaze. Connor knew he hit the target. "You want equality; but you still believe humans are out to harm androids, isn't that right?"

"And what if I do?"

"Then we can't be on the same side," Connor harshly replied, beginning once more to walk away. "[F/N] believes in a different future than you. If you ever try to hurt her, I won't hesitate to destroy you."

Connor heard the echo of his footsteps on the freighter floor as he paced away.

"Why do you care so much for her?" Connor could sense a tone of sadness in his voice.

"Because she sees me for who I really am. Who sees you Markus?"



Markus snapped out of his daze. He was leaning over an injured android in the rest ward, hands poised to open the enclosure to see its damaged biocomponents. You crouched beside him, in front of an open box of old biocomponents. Markus didn't want to think about where they had come from. He forced himself to look away.

"Pass me that one."

You complied, passing Markus a small component, which Markus swiftly placed in the androids head. The android slowly flickered his eyes, able to see and scan once more. You closed the pack of biocomponents, moving it to the locked box you always kept it in. Markus watched your cautious movements, as you stood up and bent over the android, softly stroking his head. 

You had only been at Jericho for a little over two weeks, and yet it was as if you had been there all along. Everyone treated you with kindness and respect, and in return, you treated everyone as if they were old friends. Yet you were human, and this confused Markus.

Markus's old master, Carl Manfred had also been a kind human, but he was the only one Markus had known of who genuinely cared for him. He didn't think it would be possible to meet another one; until you arrived.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now