Chapter 10: The Deviant Within

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Amanda's words echoed through his head, locking themselves deeply in his mind. "Dispose of her. Eliminate the girl." Over and over and over again. He couldn't breathe. Everything was numb. "Dispose of her Connor. Eliminate the girl..." And soon he could feel his control slipping. He could feel Amanda in his mind, controlling his actions, moving his limbs, changing his thoughts. Suddenly the desire to hurt you was strong. The desire to kill you. But the desire to protect you was even stronger. Still, Connor could feel his control slipping, and soon he would no longer be able to hold himself back. You were going to die; And he would be the one to pull the trigger.

Amanda had a plan. He would kill you in such a way that it would seem like a suicide. Connor being an android designed for police work, knew how police would interpret a crime scene, and could determine exactly how to leave evidence to show it in such a light. 

Connor would not put it past Amanda or Cyberlife to end a human life so easy. Of course, you were a human, but a human who was in the way of their plans. To them, one human life did not matter; they wouldn't let anything stand in their way.

There was nothing he could do. He was barely holding it back now. He couldn't disobey a mission. Amanda's words were final. His body moved on its own, unlocking the bathroom door, walking down the hallway. His mind raced with her words still ingrained in it. "Eliminate the girl Connor. Dispose of her..."  He walked to a cupboard down the hall, looking in the bottom to find his uniform neatly folded, and his gun lying on top of it, still loaded. He picked it up carefully, clicking it. He felt the bullet fall into the barrel of the gun. "Dispose of her..."

It would be easy. The gun would be a last resort. He would cut off your air supply. A quick, easy and painless death. A tragic death. Connor could see you now, lying there, motionless in his arms. You. Your eyes closed, fingers still clutching onto his arms, your breaths fading as you uttered his name for the final time.

He crumpled to the floor, throwing the gun as far away from him as possible. It clattered across the tiles. He breathed deeply, gritting his teeth. Connor felt sick. Horror washed over him. He had actually been plotting your death. He had to run. He had to get away from you as fast as possible. But it was too late. He knew he wouldn't be able to suppress it much longer.  What could he do? Where could he go? He pressed the palms of his hands over his eyes, trying to block out the image of your face. He tried to find a solution, something that could change your fate. He refused to let you die.

Connor could hear the snoring before he saw him. He found the Lieutenant lying on the floor of his room, bottle of alcohol in hand, his snores echoing in the silence.

"Wake up Lieutenant." Connor jostled his shoulders. The Lieutenant didn't stir. Connor slapped him. "Wake up! It's me Connor." Connor desperately willed him to wake up; but he had drunk too much. Connor could barely get him coherent.

"Eyyy... stop that... you fuckin' android... errr"

Connor helped him up and propped him against the wall.

"Lieutenant, you have to wake up... it's urgent!!"

"Fuck... I think I'm gonna be sick..."

Connor shook his shoulders. "Come on!! Snap out of it!" Connor slapped him again. The lieutenant groaned, still completely out of it. He looked at Connor, not really seeing him.

"What are you doin'... get the fuck outta my house..."

"Lieutenant, it's about [F/N]!!!" Connor shook his shoulders. "You have to help me, please. She is going to die!!"

"[F/N]...?  Errr..." He slumped down the wall. "The only one who's dying 'ere is me..."

"Come on!! Wake up!! Please wake up!!" Connor was desperate. But there was nothing more he could do. The lieutenant slumped to the floor, falling into a deep sleep. The words resounded louder in his mind. "Eliminate the girl Connor!" 

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now