Chapter 5: Human in Disguise

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According to Captain Fowler, there were rumours going about that a group of androids were going to break into a famous and influential human-only restaurant on the other side of town. You weren't sure where he heard such certain rumours, but Captain Fowler put you, Lieutenant Anderson, and Connor on the case to investigate the situation and and find evidence on this possible break in, before anybody was hurt or worse; killed. The only problem was how to go about it.

Of course, staking out the restaurant was a simple enough task, but the problem was Connor. The main reason your group had been succeeding on the Deviant cases so far, and had gotten anywhere at all was because of Connor's deductive skills. Without him there to evaluate and reconstruct the scene, you weren't sure if you would be able to stop the Deviants, assuming that there was going to be more than one. You weren't even sure if they would turn up at all, considering the rumour had gone this far. But you couldn't deny that it was quite possible, considering the number of androids rising up against their owners. That strange symbol you saw at the Cyberlife break in scene was now being seen all over Detroit; And like you had initially assumed, it was a symbol of a revolution.

At the present moment, you and Connor stood beside the Lieutenant's desk, going over what little evidence there was of this potential break in. And the fact again, that it was at a no-android location.

"Connor..." The Lieutenant started. "I don't think you have any choice but to sit out of this one. Even if the owners are in on it, the customers aren't going to be, and they don't want to be sitting next to an android in a no android location."

You and Connor spoke at the same time.

"I'm not going without Connor!"

"I can't let [F/N] go alone!!" You both stared at each other.

"Connor... you know the only way to get to that part of town is by train. It's strictly a no android location, even outside the restaurant," You insisted. "The whole district is against androids. It may be old fashioned now, but it is the rules, and they have laws there. I can't deny that."

"I can't afford to sit out of this one," Connor protested, "I have a mission and I intend to accomplish it, by any means possible." You don't reply so he continues, "I can preconstruct events. You need me on this case. That's why Cyberlife sent me..."

"I know Cyberlife sent you, you're saying that constantly. But I'm not sure if there is anything we can do about this. I agree that we need your evaluation skills, but do you have any idea how we're supposed to sneak you onto that train?!"

"Oh, for fucks sake, you fight like a married couple." Hank interrupted you both. You felt your face turn red. "Just decide on something and let's get a move on. Jesus christ..."

You both went silent in thought, then an idea came to you. It may not work, but it was worth a try.

"Connor..." You muttered, "Rather than trying to sneak you onto the train as an android... why don't you just become human for a bit?"


You and the Lieutenant stood outside one of the rooms, waiting for Connor to come out.

"Are you sure this is going to work [F/N]?"

"I don't know..." You admitted sheepishly. "It really depends on how good Connor's acting skills are..."

You both looked up as Connor exited the room. He wore one of the Lieutenant's old suits, a slightly smaller fit that still seemed a little big for Connor. The suit was black, the white inside collar of the shirt poking over the top. He rolled up the cuffs on the sleeves slightly. He had brushed the locks of his hair over to cover the LED on his right temple. He undeniably looked human, but the question was if he could act like it.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now