Chapter 36: Gossip

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You let out a shaky breath as you eyed the directory on the wall of the elevator. There were so many floors. So many places where an android could be kept. Where would they be keeping Connor?

"Do you know where they would be keeping deviant androids?" You hesitantly asked the RK800 beside you. You tried not to stare at it too much. It reminded you of Connor.

The android simply looked at you for a moment, before replying, "The full layout of this building is not completely recorded in my database. As I am aware, deviant androids are not permitted on Cyberlife grounds."

"Right..." You sighed.

Kamski had mentioned that they were keeping Connor alive somewhere, threatening to destroy him if you didn't comply with his orders. That had to mean that he was in a place close by.

Time was running out. You needed to get to him, get both of you out of there, and finally end this battle between androids and humans. It wasn't just the lives of the androids at Jericho that were at stake anymore. If Kamski won, he would destroy everything. You couldn't allow that to happen.

Your eyes scanned the list of floors. Sorting and handling... assembly... manufacture... research and development. Research? You did remember someone mentioning that tests were being run on him, seeing what caused the deviancy, so it would not happen again. You shuddered at the thought of Connor undergoing such horrors as you commanded to android to push the button.


You hid around the corner of the elevator as the door swung open on Floor -44. Once you were sure the hallway was empty, you started moving towards an alcove in the hall. You had almost forgotten about the android, but were reminded of it quickly when it started moving beside you. "Please wait in the elevator for me," You told it, "I'll return as soon as I can." The android nodded once, and quickly moved to wait in the elevator. You hoped no one would find the android, but it was better to have it wait for you than to have it follow you down the hall.

You continued to move as quickly as possible down the hallway, glancing inside doorways and behind dividers. The rooms looked just like any other in the Cyberlife building, and you were overwhelmed, confused as to where you should even begin. Still, you kept searching, determined that even the slightest hint could lead you to Connor.

As you continued to search without any luck, you picked up your pace. You started to focus less on concealing yourself and mostly on searching the rooms. After all, the hallways had mostly been empty, with a few workers in rooms here and there. You passed offices, but mostly laboratories with synthetic organs being tested on and created. You sometimes came across rooms locked with a chip scanner. When you looked through the glass windows into these rooms, you saw androids connected to wires and machines, being 'researched' on. You never saw Connor in any of these rooms.

You eventually collapsed in another alcove, exhausted from all your crouched movements. You would have only been searching for less than half an hour, but you still felt exhausted from lack of sleep, food and exercise. You were beginning to lose hope when you overheard voices from a nearby lab.

"I don't know what Kamski is thinking, honestly..." You heard a woman huff. "I think he is getting too full of himself."

"I couldn't agree more..." Another woman replied. "All we ever get is 'fix this part' and 'create this thirium pump'... now he wants us to create this... this drug?! I did not sign up to become a chemist."

"We're always working day and night, jumping to his wishes!!" The woman grouched. "I think we should get a raise."

"Oh yes!! Now wouldn't that be a day!" The women laughed.

You frowned. The door of the room was wide open. From where you stood, you could see the women moving vials and clinking glasses. It was risky even moving from the alcove, let alone sneaking past the doorway and continuing up the hall. You stood frozen against the wall, conflicted between hiding and waiting it out or sneaking past them and continuing your search. You were about to make your move when you heard something that stopped you in your tracks.

"He can leave that handsome deviant to us while he's at it."

"Hey now you're talking..." You heard the clinking of vials inside the room as the woman sighed.

"I don't know why Kamski is keeping him honestly. He should just remake him and sell him to the clubs. I know a lot of women who would want some of that!"

"Why have that when you could have the real thing?"

"Oh come on Lex, you said it yourself. You think he's handsome."

"For an android..." Lex muttered. You felt heat boil inside you. You hated the way they talked about Connor. Like he was... like he was...

"It's just a piece of plastic," The woman continued. "And you should forget about him. You know he's overstayed his usefulness. Plus, with a body like that, no club's going to want him now..."

"I know..." The other woman sighed. "It's just such a shame that that android is going to be reprocessed..."

Before you could stop yourself, you let out a horrified gasp. Their words rang in your ears. "Just a piece of plastic... overstayed his usefulness... with a body like that... reprocessed... that android is going to be reprocessed..." You unwillingly let out a cry as your body shook with the knowledge of it all.

The two women raised their heads in unison, and stared at you, your body now out in the open.

"Hey, how did you get in here?!"

Your heart pounded in your throat. The women rose from the counter and moved towards you. Before you could make a move to run, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and panic flooded your every thought.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now