Chapter 4: Man or Machine?

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Due to your good results on the Deviant cases, and a surprising praise from Lieutenant Anderson, Captain Fowler allowed you to stay on the case. Yet you knew it wouldn't last for long. If you didn't keep this up, you would be polishing Reed's shoes. The mere thought of that made you sick; Quite literally. 

One of the problems of being human was that you managed to get sick very easily, and with winter coming on and the snow starting to fall, you had to take the day off to recover. With the large number of Deviant cases being assigned to you, the Lieutenant and Connor, this was difficult, but it was Connor who suggested that it may do you some good to take a break. 

You weren't the kind of person who liked to take breaks, and so you tried to make the most of your time off by catching up on your android studies. You may be training at the police station for now, but you were still a student after all. 

You tried for more than a hour but you soon found you couldn't concentrate. Your head was too stuffy, and nothing was staying in your mind. You decided to put your head down on the table for a moment and close your eyes.

You opened your eyes. You stood ankle deep in the snow. How did the snow get in? How did you get outside? It was a blizzard. Something was in front of you. Someone. A figure wearing a suit. "Connor!!" You called. You struggled closer through the snow, but the blizzard tugged you back. That was not the only thing slowing you down. You looked at yourself. Red blood seeped from your chest, discolouring the snow underneath you. The red blood pooled underneath your feet, streaming towards the motionless Connor, blue blood pooling underneath him. You wanted to see him. You needed to see his face. But he was turned away and silent. The blood pooled together, colours mixing. You fell into the purple darkness.

You awoke gasping in cold sweat. What was that? What a horrible nightmare. You looked around you. It was pitch black. How long had you been sleeping? You got up to turn on the light. You still felt sick, but now it was for another reason. Perhaps a glass of water would calm your troubled thoughts. You moved to the sink and started pouring a glass. There was a tapping sound on the window. "It sure is windy this evening..." You thought, sipping the cool water. Once finished, you moved to the glass door of your apartment, where it led onto a balcony. You didn't think you would be able to sleep now. The tapping continued. You walked over to the door, looked up, and nearly had a heart attack.

Connor stood outside your window, tapping on the glass, snow beginning to whiten his shoulders and hair. You almost swore. You pushed the glass door open.

"Connor, what are you doing?!" 

"I sincerely apologise for the disturbance Miss [L/N]... but we have been assigned a case."

"I-I thought the Lieutenant was taking my place today..." You mumbled, still in your half asleep state. "Why didn't you call?"

"I tried to call but your phone was turned off..." You blushed. You forgot you did that out of habit, when you were going to study. Connor continued, "I tried going to the Lieutenant but he was drunk, and he refused to accompany me. I know you are sick, but I cannot do this case alone, and if Lieutenant Anderson won't help me..."

"It's alright Connor. Come inside... you're covered with snow." You didn't bother asking how on earth he managed to get up more than seven floors onto your balcony.

You and Connor quickly made your way to the scene of the case. Connor took one of the older cars from the police station, one of the non self driving cars, which he insisted on driving since you were still feeling dizzy from your sickness. He stopped near a Cyberlife store which had clearly been broken into. Windows were smashed, and police tape surrounded the area. Connor got out of the car first and you were surprised when he came around to help you out. He walked ahead onto the scene, which the other investigators protested about, until you informed them that you were together. 

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now