Chapter 24: Belle-Isle

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Your footsteps echoed on the concrete floor as you followed Ralph through the darkness. You weren't sure exactly where you were, but the smell was putrid. You wondered if these dark tunnels were connected to the sewers. Ralph giddily walked in front of you, each pace out of rhythm from the last. "Belle-Isle... Belle-Isle..." He muttered as he eyed strange passages and turned corners. You hoped he knew where he was going. For all you knew, you'd walked right into some kind of trap. The thought of that made you feel nauseous.

"This feels like an adventure, doesn't it?" He muttered. "An adventure!!"

"Yeah..." You replied nervously, trying to block your nose from the smell.

"Ralph hasn't had a friend in a long time... no, Ralph hasn't had a friend in years!" He continued, "Sometimes Ralph tries to make friends with the rats in the alleys, but of course, they don't understand Ralph, no, not at all!"

Ralph's words about friendship struck a chord with you. The truth was, you had never really had many friends either; that was, until you began working at the Detroit City Police Department. Before that time, you had always been so focused on studying and working that you never really had the chance. You felt sad as you thought back to that time; before you had met Connor and Hank.

"Thank you for taking me to Belle-Isle Ralph. I hope it's not any trouble..."

"Oh no, not at all! Ralph is happy to help a friend," You could hear the giddy smile in his voice. It was a wonder that this same android had tried to kill you an hour earlier. Ralph continued, "Ralph wonders why you want to travel to Belle-Isle. Ralph doesn't like the humans there, no, Ralph thinks they're nasty!"

You hesitated. You wondered that if Ralph knew the truth, he may try to stop you. You decided to say it anyway.

"Well... if you really want to know, I'm going to Cyberlife."

Your suspicions were correct. Ralph paused mid-step and you ran into his back.

"Cyberlife?" Ralph murmured. The cheeriness of his voice was long gone. "No... Ralph doesn't want you to go there..."

You gazed at Ralph's back. "W-Why not?"

"Because... they'll kill you," He turned to face you. His LED turned red. "But... you can't die... Ralph doesn't want you to die..." He grabbed your shoulder in desperation. "Don't go!!! Ralph doesn't want you to go!!" He gripped your shoulders tighter until you thought it would bruise.

"Stop it!!" You shook your shoulders out of his grip. "Please..." You looked away. "I don't want to go there either Ralph, but I have to..." There was a silence after those words. All you could hear was the sound of slight dripping, from somewhere far away.


"Because someone very important to me is there..." You felt the tears beading in your eyes. "I have to find him... because... because if I don't they may kill him too."

Ralph seemed torn in his thoughts. He reached a hand towards you and then pulled it away. His LED flickered from red to amber and back again. Then he nodded solemnly, in understanding, continuing walking.

"Ralph understands... These are dangerous times after all... very dangerous," He muttered. "Ralph knows you mustn't be out in the open... the humans are searching... humans are looking... Ralph overheard them outside the alley..."

"They're looking for me?"

"Ralph wants you to be safe... Ralph'll help you get to Cyberlife. But Ralph mustn't be out in the open either... Human's are searching for Ralph too."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now