Chapter 28: RK900

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You didn't know how much time passed while you remained there. The air felt claustrophobic, and you remained huddled in the corner of the room, feeling as if you were enclosed in a tight box. So many questions continued to race through your mind. You tried to remember the last thing that had happened before you had been knocked out. You remembered the Connor look alike, saving you from near death, leading you to a self driving car. You remembered how the LED stood out on his forehead, an LED that you had seen Connor remove on himself. You saw the way this Connor clone smiled as he pushed the button, the sweet fragrant air causing your mind to go foggy, and your body to collapse.

He had told you that he intended to take you to Cyberlife. Was this place Cyberlife? Looking around the brightly lit room, it seemed more like a hospital ward, than an area of Cyberlife. Many years ago, when you were still an elementary school student, you remembered going on a field trip to Cyberlife, and the metallic panels, large machines, clean office rooms and glass windows looked nothing like this room. So where were you? Were you at the Detroit hospital? That didn't seem right either. You had been in the hospital before, after that time when you were stabbed by a deviant. That room had windows, and was filled with different colours, other than the pure white room you were in now.

Another question popped into your mind. Why were you here? Certainly you had collected various injuries from the attack on Jericho, but it was not enough to warrant being locked in a hospital room. You gazed at your flawless skin, pinching a part of it between two fingers. You watched as the area splotched red, yet as you let go, it returned to its usual perfection. Why was your skin healing instantly? As far as you knew, there were no drugs that could cause such incredible effects as instant healing. You raised your hand, eyeing the skin on it in the bright lights above your head.

Then there was your 'ability'. You had now heard two androids mention that word. The Connor clone, and the android who called herself Chloe. It seemed your words held some kind of power. You remembered the time you had yelled at Markus to let you go, and he had complied. The time when Ralph was about to stab you, until you screamed for him to stop. Even the way he had reacted after he had dropped the knife surprised you now. As if he was... in awe.

You shook your head. It must be just your imagination. Surely you couldn't have some kind of power, right? That sounded like something from those old fantasy novels!! You were just... you. You didn't have fantastical powers as everyone seemed to believe you did. This was all just a giant misunderstanding. You were not a god, and certainly not a 'saviour' as you had been called in the past. As soon as someone returned to your room, you would get to the bottom of this.

Surprisingly, at that thought, the compartment on the wall slid open. You snapped your head up to see the intruder. You gasped.

This android was not Connor, you could tell that instantly; and yet he looked so much like him. This android had a strong jawline, chocolate brown hair brushed to one side. He wore a uniform similar to Connor's, instead with sections of pure white, and the letters 'RK900' to one side of his chest. Clear silver eyes pierced into you, studying you, as if he already knew everything. His lips did not twitch into a smile as Connor's did. You shuddered, realising that unlike all the androids you had been with, this android truly seemed like a 'machine'. He stepped towards you, and you instinctively curled further into the crook of the wall. You eyed the android, realising you had seen that face before, in one of your nightmares. You remembered the way he had shoved you towards the damaged androids, the way he had stared as they stabbed you through the heart. You shuddered for the second time. He paused directly in front of you.

"Miss [F/N], [L/N]. You will come with me."

You stared at the android for a long moment. Your eyes flickered towards the space in the wall, the doorway still open and unguarded. You could run for it. But that thought disappeared as quickly as it arrived. If this android was anything like Connor, then it would be fast. You didn't stand a chance. As you glared at the android, it repeated its command.

"Come with me."

"And what if I say no?"

The android grabbed your wrists and forced you to your feet. You gasped as he swiftly pulled handcuffs from his belt and clipped them around your wrists.

"Don't I even get a say..." You mumbled. The android touched your shoulder. You tried to flinch away, but he kept it there. His eyes scanned the small white room, falling on the tray still filled with food that the android brought you.

"You didn't eat..." His eyes fell on you again. You flinched slightly, but didn't reply, until he gripped your arm harshly.

"I wasn't hungry..."

He let go of your arm. He touched his LED briefly, closing his eyes, as if receiving a message. Then he looked at you, very seriously. You realised too late that he was scanning your face, and turned your head away.

"Your energy levels are 25% lower than the recommended level. So are your levels of protein and fructose," The android frowned slightly. "Mr Kamski will be disappointed. But we are already 1 minute behind schedule."

He touched your back, forcing you towards the open doorway.

"Stop!! Where are we going?"

He pushed you out into the hallway and the door sealed shut behind you. This time, from the other side of it, you could see the rectangular panel, and a little scanner and keypad to the left of it. The hallway was silent, save for the slight sound of buzzing and beeping from another room. The hallway was lined with similar doors on one side, and glass windows to the other. You gazed through one of them, only seeing misty clouds. You were interrupted from your thoughts with the android shoving you up the hallway.

"Hey!! Stop it!!" You struggled against his grip. "Where are you taking me?!"

"I am taking you to the head CEO office. Elijah Kamski requested to see you."

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