Chapter 15: Jealousy

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You and Connor followed Lucy downstairs, to where you found three androids, sitting quietly, away from the rest of the crowd. Nox sat against the wall, leaning his legs against a crate. Bec sat opposite him, legs on the floor, Jade resting her head on her lap. When you and Connor approached, Jade sat up. It was the first time you had seen her move. She immediately smiled at the sight of your face. She truly was as beautiful as you thought she would look, her skin clear and smooth, blonde hair glistening each time she moved.

"Is she the one?" Jade asked excitedly, turning to Bec who nodded. Before you could react, Jade stood up and threw her arms around you. Taken aback by the sudden gesture, you hesitantly hugged her in return.

"Thank you!! Thank you so much," The android exclaimed into your shoulder. Then she pulled away and beamed at you. "I-I thought... well.. I was unstable. If it weren't for you... I would... I would..." She hesitated, finding the words to say.

"Your name is Jade, isn't it?" You smiled. "My name is [F/N], and this is Connor." Connor stuck out a hand mechanically, and Jade shook it, then turned back to you.

"When Nox told me, I knew I just had to thank you in person!"

"She's been waiting for you this whole time," Bec laughed.

"We sort of got separated in the crowds," You muttered sheepishly. "It was Lucy who brought us here to you."

You turned to look for Lucy, but she was gone. Just like before, you couldn't find her face in the crowds. "Where did she..." You turned back to the group to see Bec patting a space beside her. A serious expression now appeared on her face.

"Come and sit down, we have a lot to discuss." You took a seat beside her, Connor moved next to you instinctively.

"I'm a little lost..." Bec chuckled. "Maybe you can clear something up." She nodded to the onlooking androids, all eyeing you with awe and suspicion. "What's with this... 'saviour' stuff?"

"Trust me, we're just as confused as you are," You replied, smiling in Connor's direction. He was being extremely quiet. Your smile faltered. He didn't meet your gaze. He seemed distant, as if he had returned to be the android self he used to be. He flicked a quarter between his fingers with insane speed, not bothering to look at it. He gazed far away, as if his mind was in another place. "Connor..." You started.

"I never could have imagined a place like this would actually exist..." Nox interrupted. "A place where androids can be safe."

Bec took his hand. "Where we can be safe..." They smiled at each other. You glanced worriedly at Connor. When you looked back, Jade was staring at you. You noticed the curious expression in her eyes. Those green eyes flicked between you and Connor. She then stood up, standing on her toes to gaze through the crowd. She pointed into the distance.

"Hey, I want to look over there!"

Nox laughed, clambering to his feet. You met Jade's gaze. You almost thought you saw her wink at you. Then she began to quickly skip through the crowd, darting between androids. Nox quickly went after her, giving you a sheepish smile.

"Jade has been out for a while. It's thanks to you she is like this at all..." Bec continued. "You know we owe you one, right?" She grinned.

"I was just doing what anyone would have done," You replied.

"No... not just any human would have done that for Jade," Bec gazed at the deactivated skin on her arm, where a deep scar was. You had never noticed it before. She covered it up when she noticed your stare. "No... no human could have done that. You're truly one of a kind [F/N]."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now