Chapter 37: Acting

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You spun around to find the RK900 standing behind you. As you flinched with surprise and horror, the RK900 did not move; like a statue. The gaze of the women traveled from you to the android.

"Don't press the alarms," The RK900 said, clearly so that every word could be understood. "She is with me."

The women frowned slightly and looked at each other. Then the woman who you had heard was referred to as Lex scowled. "Did Mr Kamski give you the authority to be on this floor?"

The RK900 tilted it's head. "Are you questioning my authority?" 

The woman flinched. "N-No... of course not." It looked as if she wanted to persist more, but the other worker nodded her head at the android, and then took Lex's arm and led her back into the room. The door shut behind them, and the hallway was plunged into silence.

You tried to shake the android's grip off your shoulder, hoping the sudden movement would make him release you. However, it only made the android's grip tighter, as he turned you the opposite way and forced you up the hallway.

"LET GO OF ME!!" You growled, struggling against him. You kicked and clawed at the android, but it was like you were fighting against a piece of rock for all the resistance he gave. The hallways were now deserted. You expected that with the noise of your struggle, people would peer out of the rooms. But there wasn't a human or any other android in sight.

Your breath was knocked out of you as the RK900 suddenly slammed you against a wall.

"Would you stop?" It growled. "I am trying to help you!!"

Your eyes widened. The android looked furious, but you could see it trying to calm itself, it's face slowly molding into one of a sinister composure.

"Help me?!" You snapped, gesturing down at the tight grip he had on your arms. "How the hell are you helping me?!"

"Just give me your wrist." Before you could reply, the RK900 forced your right wrist towards him, and you felt a sudden sharp pain blind you. You gritted your teeth to avoid screaming as you looked down at your bleeding wrist, a incision made in the soft flesh. Before you could respond any more, the android pulled out a small square shaped piece of metal. He dropped it on the floor and crushed it under his heel. The sight of the device confused you.

"A tracker?" You whispered.

"Yes, a tracker," He replied. "It was how I found you so quickly. But no one is going to find you anymore."

Forgetting, or perhaps not caring, about your bleeding wrist, the RK900 continued to drag you up the hallway. You winced, watching the blood run down your hand.

"W-Wait!! Where are you taking me?"

"We are getting out of here."

"What? B-But..." You didn't know how to respond. You were completely taken back at this sudden change of character. "I thought you worked for Kamski."

"I work for myself," The android replied, not looking at you. "I have never worked for him." He spat the word 'him' as if it disgusted him. You recoiled, looked at his android hand that gripped your wrist.

"I don't understand. Then why have you been following his orders?!"

"I've been acting," He replied, as if it were a completely normal thing to do. "Acting like I am his loyal servant. So that he would trust me." The RK900 finally met your scared eyes. He squeezed your hand in his own. "So that I could have you."

Your eyes widened. "What?"

The RK900 paused. There were voices and footsteps in the hallway; and it sounded like they were coming closer. The RK900 scanned his wrist on a nearby keypad. The lock clicked, and a door swung open. The RK900 pushed you inside, and locked the door behind him just as the workers rounded the corner. He leaned against the door, listening for the passing footsteps.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now