Chapter 49: Upgrade

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"You've been asleep for 339 hours, 45 minutes, 12 seconds. That's a little over two weeks." Connor sat on the edge of your bed, tracing his fingers along the lines of your hand.

"It sounds like you've been keeping track."

"It was the only thing that kept me sane..." Connor's serious expression finally shifted into a smile. "I'm... I'm glad you're back. I missed you more than anything else..."

"I missed you too," You replied, squeezing his hand in your own. You noticed how the ring on your left ring finger glinted in the sunlight streaming through the window.

"Are you in any pain?" Connor then asked, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "The medical androids did their best, but it was... quite a complicated procedure."

Were you in any pain? You thought about it for a moment. The truth was, you felt fine. In fact, you felt very peaceful, at this moment, lying in bed with Connor sitting at your side.

"I feel completely fine," You finally said. Connor analyzed your face, and after seeing that you were telling the truth, he smiled. He was about to say something else, when he was interrupted. The door was flung open.

"She's awake, she's awake!!" You heard a high pitched squeal before you were crushed in hug. You were so startled, you were unable to respond.

"Jade, be gentle!!" You heard another feminine voice call after her. You pulled away to find Jade, half on the bed, her arms wrapped tightly around you.

"Do you feel okay?! How are your injuries?! You don't feel sick or anything do you? How's your head? Your stomach? You were asleep for so long, I was really worried!!" She took in a breath and kept going, "Con kept giving me updates, and I've been visiting almost every day!! I even helped the medical androids in patching you up!!"

"You only held the bandages..." Bec interupted from nearby.

"I was still helping!!" Jade insisted. Nox laughed from where he stood beside Bec. You started laughing too. After a while, the laughter quieted down, and you lay there, calm in the peace of the moment.

"Am I dreaming?" You finally asked. "Is all of this just a dream?"

"No it's not," Nox replied. "Though sometimes, I wonder if it is..." He glanced at Bec, and she continued for him.

"Even though I know it's not like androids can dream. After all that has changed, it really does feel like a dream."

"Really? What has changed?" You asked, looking to each of their faces.

"Well..." Bec started, glancing around at the others. "Everything, I guess..."

Slowly, Bec and Nox began to tell you the story of all that had happened while you were asleep. As you lay there, Markus, North and Simon also came in to listen, with smiles on their faces.

Immediately after you had been shot, and it seemed like you and Connor were going to die, President Warren called off the soldiers. Many people protested, begging for a new treaty to be formed, one that would accept androids as equal beings to humans. The display that you and Connor had shown was broadcast across the world, causing a complete uproar. The image of you and Connor together at the very end was an image that had been copied all over the interweb. There was no way that the President could ignore those demands, and about a week later, after there was much discussion between other political leaders, she announced a new law for the United States of America. This law would give androids the same rights as humans.

Once the law was announced, a group of government officials made a pact with Markus's deviant group, and they investigated the Cyberlife tower. Markus converted androids, and asked them questions, until he eventually came across a RT600 model who told them about Elijah Kamski's true plans. After searching through each floor of the building, they found out that Cyberlife's development of creating androids was an elaborate scheme to hide Kamski's true motives. Each human who worked there was taken under surveillance, and the pharmaceuticals they were developing were quickly put under strict testing. The android's who worked there, and the ones who were being prepared in the warehouses were all converted and released.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now