*Author Note*

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I have never written a fanfiction before. I don't know exactly what made me want to start writing this one. After playing 'Detroit Become Human' I had this idea in my mind on what I would like to actually happen. I tried to find other fanfictions with this same idea in mind, but I couldn't find any. So, I had a thought; What if I wrote my own fanfiction?

This book became kind of like an escape to me. I've always loved writing, but it's not something I ever thought of sharing with others. That's why I was so happy and surprised to know that so many of you connected with my story. Seeing all of your votes and comments and follows just made me want to write more. There were times when even I didn't know where I was going with the story, but you all patiently waited for my updates, and supported me when I published them. Now, seeing that I now have almost 40k reads is a huge achievement to me and it still surprises me even now.

I added Nox, Bec and Jade on a whim, mostly because I couldn't figure out how to get the reader to find out about Jericho. I started to love my own characters, and they ended up being a much bigger part of the story than I first had in mind. I'm so happy that so many of you also loved these characters. I liked these characters so much, I actually drew pictures of them in my sketchbook. I thought I would share them with you too. :)

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Anyway, I went back and added up all of the words, just for curiousity sake

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Anyway, I went back and added up all of the words, just for curiousity sake. There is about 88,152 words in this entire fanfiction!! WHAT?! For my first fanfiction, that seems like a huge number. I mean, that's more words than Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

 I mean, that's more words than Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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That's a lot of words!! :O

Anyway, some of you may already know, but I am more of an artist than a writer. Outside of writing, I love drawing, making videos, and creating my own original stories.

I mostly draw my own characters, and original artwork, and upload them on my Instagram. I don't normally draw Detroit Become Human related things, but I thought I would show you my Instagram anyway. If you like my art and are interested to see more, then I would really appreciate it if you would come to visit! https://www.instagram.com/midnightxcross/

I should also mention that I am working on my own original manga series titled 'Having Faith'. Sometimes my updates on here come quite late, and that is because when I am not writing or working, I am drawing pictures for my manga. I am very attached to my manga, so I would like to show you some previews of it here too!

 I am very attached to my manga, so I would like to show you some previews of it here too!

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As for on here, next I will be working on my Detroit Become Human one shots, and also my second fanfiction 'Flightless Bird', set in an AU high school if everyone in DBH was humans

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As for on here, next I will be working on my Detroit Become Human one shots, and also my second fanfiction 'Flightless Bird', set in an AU high school if everyone in DBH was humans. It's more of a slice of life comedy kind of thing. It already has two chapters. If you're interested, I'd really appreciate it if you would give it a read. <3

Again, I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for inspiring me, for motivating me, for all of your supportive comments and messages. It means the world to me that I can share my stories with you all, because my stories and words come from my heart.

-Midnight Cross

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now