Chapter 32: Glass

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It was dark and cold. You could hear a dripping noise echoing from somewhere within the darkness, but you couldn't place exactly where it was coming from. The floor felt cold, and you could almost feel the sensation of something crawling on you. Bugs? You lifted your head. Suddenly you were not on a dark and musty floor, but falling through it. It was as if the entire world around you had turned to liquid. Dirty water swirled around you. You tried to swim to the surface, but your mechanical limbs creaked with the effort. Before your eyes, you stared at the flesh on your arm as it dissolved, displaying the mechanics underneath. The metal of your hand. You began to shake, the full fear and understanding sinking over you. Kamski's words echoed in your mind, 'You're not human or android; what are you?" You tried to scream but your words disappeared into the water. And suddenly you remembered that you were supposed to be drowning. But no, you couldn't die yet. You had to get to Connor. Somehow, somewhere, Connor would be here. You remembered all the times he had saved you before, from everything. Every time you looked he was there. You didn't know where he was, or even if he was still alive, but you had to get to him. It was your turn to save him. You struggled to kick your flailing limbs as you reached for the surface. Yet as you made the movement, pain erupted in your skull. You winced, gripping the left side of your head; And you were horrified to find your hands connecting with metal. What am I? What am I? The silence in the darkness was your answer.


You screamed yourself awake. You began to cough, trying to cough up invisible water. Your hands brushed over your head where you had felt the metal, only to find skin and hair. You flailed, trying to disentangle yourself from the sheets that now seemed to be trying to strangle you. You felt a hand on your shoulder. It was warm and comforting. Suddenly all the pain seemed to disappear. You turned your head to the side.


Instead however, the RK900 sat beside you. When you looked at him, he drew his hand back. All of your pain returned with the realization that this was reality now.

You had been trapped in Cyberlife for only a few days. Yet it had already seemed like far longer. You only knew of the time from the constant reminders you were given from the RK900. You knew of nothing outside of the room. You no longer knew if war between humans and androids was still waging on, or if Kamski had already made his move. If Jericho still existed. If your friends were still fighting, or if they had already been...

No. You shook off the thought. They were alive, you were sure of it. Bec, Jade, Markus, North, Simon... all of them. You felt tears running down your face before you understood why. The tears were for the time you had lost together. Why did everything have to go so wrong? 

The RK900 patiently waited, standing beside your bed. You finally turned to look at him... at 'it'.

"Why do you have to look like him?" You whispered.

The RK900 didn't reply. It simply tilted it's head. "It even has the same mannerisms..." You thought sadly.

You carefully rose from the bed, picking up a glass of water on the bedside table and taking a sip. You had eventually decided to stop starving yourself. You had to keep up your energy after all, if you wanted to break you and Connor out of there.

"RK900, what time is it?"

"It is 6:47AM," It replied monotonously. "You are scheduled to eat breakfast at 7:00AM, then be summoned to Floor -45 for your training."

Ah yes... your 'training.'

Ever since you had been brought there, you had been forced to practice your Ra9 abilities on androids specifically designed for training the police androids. In the beginning, it was surprisingly difficult to summon the level of power used for the manipulation, but now it was becoming more and more easier to use it.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now