Chapter 47: 11/11

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When the impact of the bullet did not come, you hesitantly opened your eyes. What you saw left a pang of familiar shock like lightning through your body.

It was just like before, a memory that you wanted so badly to forget: That time when Connor dove in front of you, saving you from your imminent death.

"Connor... why?"

It was like a broken record. A missing piece. A moment that was destined to repeat over, and over again. Your mind kept replaying the moment, how his body moved faster than you had ever seen it before, moving towards you to shove you out of the way.

Connor held you in his arms. You held him tightly back, as if you may be able to hold him together. As if, by holding him, you may be able to transfer his wounds to you. Your previous pain that Kamski had inflicted on you was nothing compared to how you felt now. Knowing that Connor had taken the bullet for you once again was a much more excruciating pain.

The thirium streaming from the wound on his chest was beginning to discolor the jacket you had given him. As he wrapped you in his arms, the colors transferred to you, turning the fresh blood that pooled from your side an odd violet hue.

"Connor... you idiot..." You managed to say, fresh tears beginning to prick the corners of your eyes. "Why...? I'm already good as dead."

"If you died..." He rasped, "If you died... then a part of me would die too."

You moved a hand from your bloodied side and reached towards Connor's face. When you touched his cheek, it left a line of red behind. Connor slowly reached up and took your hand in his. You noticed how that hand, that was usually so strong and sturdy, was now shaking.

"I'm... sorry..." Connor said quietly. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you... from Kamski..."

"No... it's okay." You limply moved to rest against a barricade. Connor carefully leaned beside you, never once pulling his arms away from your body. You felt warm from his touch, and yet cold at the same time. You shivered as you felt something cold fall on your cheek.

You looked up. Glistening snowflakes began to spiral towards you, slowly, as if they were listening to a song you couldn't hear. In your last moments, they looked more beautiful than anything you had ever seen.

"Connor, look," You whispered. "It's snowing."

"So it is..." He replied, and you noticed how they began to land on his hair. You brushed them away. As your eyes followed the snowflakes down to the ground, you noticed how your blood and Connor's was mixed, pooling beneath you like purple paint, spread over a white canvas of snow.

Nearby you could hear soldiers murmuring in confusion, not just at the sudden rage of deviants charging after Kamski, but the sight of you and Connor locked in an embrace, prepared to accept your fate.

You blocked them out. They didn't matter anymore.

"Are you going to shut down?" You eventually asked the question that had been playing in your mind.  After what seemed like forever, Connor very slightly nodded his head. The tears began to run down your face.

"I don't want you to die..." You sobbed.

You felt something damp on your face, and you looked up. You were surprised to see tears in Connor's eyes too. You had only seen Connor cry once before, but this time, his emotions were so raw and genuine, displayed clearly on his face for only you to see.

"I don't want to die either..." He whispered into your hair as he rested his face into your neck. "I... I..." He hesitated, "I feel scared."

"It's okay..." You insisted, trying to comfort the shaking android. "I will be with you. Always. No matter what happens."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now