Chapter 8: Unprogrammed Emotions

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"Jesus Christ!!"

Through the blur of the moment, Connor could see the Lieutenant rise quickly to his feet, shooting the Deviant behind him. Connor could hear the Deviant fall to the floor, its biocomponents whirring to a stop. Connor saw the flashes of red across his eyes. He could feel something in him; was this what pain felt like? However in that moment, through the pain and the stress, Connor only cared about one thing; you.

"Connor!! Connor!!" You screamed. Connor could barely see your face through his quickly blurring eyes. But he could see that you were crying and this upset him more than his imminent shutting down. He touched your face. You were alive. And he; he was going to die. This was the end. But only for him. Without thinking, Connor raised his other hand, so that both of his hands were holding your face in them. He knew that if you were alive, he was alive too. You were everything. In this moment, he held the whole world in his hands. You still clung onto him, even now, begging him to stay. Connor was growing weaker. If he was going to shut down, he wanted to at least take something with him. Nothing mattered anymore. He couldn't even feel bothered to reupload his memories; he knew now that that replacement would not be him. There were no more orders from Cyberlife, no words from Amanda, no more missions. There was just Connor and you in that moment. Without thinking, Connor moved his face closer to yours, until he could feel your breath on his face, and you could feel his. There might be no heaven for androids; but Connor felt this was the closest he would ever be to it. Slowly your lips met. All the feelings Connor had been suppressing welled within him. Human feelings, feelings of longing, love... and something more. Connor wanted to pull you closer to him; to feel your touch. Everything was getting harder now. But Connor felt... happy? Yes... this is what happiness was. This is what it meant to be human. Connor kissed you one more time, before your face faded into darkness, and everything turned black.


Connor could see the back of his eyelids. Was this death? He didn't feel the pain anymore, so he supposed it must be. Slowly he opened his eyes. Connor was lying on a soft surface, a sofa, in a room he recognized. This was the Lieutenants house. He had been there once before, a few months back, when they were investigating the Eden Club. Connor looked at a clock on the far wall. It was late. How long had he been asleep? Or was he still dead?

Connor looked down at himself. Instead of his shirt, he found a bandage, wrapped neatly around where the bullet hit him. When he touched the area, he no longer felt any pain there, and he could tell the bullet had been removed. Connor glanced to the coffee table directly beside the lounge where he lay. His uniform shirt was clean, and neatly folded. Not a single drop of thyrium was left on it, or left on Connor. Connor's memories of the incident were still blurry in his mind. He could see his interrogation of the Deviant, the deviant running, and the deviant holding the gun. The rest was a blur. He could see Hank, and he could see you. He could remember your crying face, the feeling of your arms around him, holding him close. Connor quickly searched the room for your presence. The Lieutenant was sitting across from Connor, on a smaller lounge chair, snoring slightly. Nearby was another lounge chair, where you lay curled up, the Lieutenant's dog Sumo curling around you. Connor felt himself relax, seeing your calm sleeping face. Carefully Connor stood up. He could hear his biocomponents whirring at a good pace, his LED a calm blue; that was a good sign. Connor slowly moved towards you. Sumo opened one eye to look at the android, before closing it again, content in your arms. You lay clinging onto the dog, wearing an oversized T-shirt, your hair falling gently about your face.

"Connor..." You mumbled in your sleep, making Connor hesitate. Then he slowly moved his hand towards your face, to brush your hair away.

"You're awake."

Connor flinched. The Lieutenant sat in the chair, awake now, looking at Connor. Connor quickly moved away from you, looking a little defensive. Hank glanced between you and Connor, his expression not changing.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now