Chapter 31: Ra9

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"I am... Ra9?"

"Yes..." Kamski smiled. He reached towards his desk and picked up a small flat rectangular object. He pressed a button on the surface and a hologram rose up from it. In the image, you saw the body of a little girl, the diagram showing where wires, metal parts and synthetic organs had been placed. You felt nauseous, realizing the little girl was you. Kamski zoomed into your brain on the diagram, showing the quarter of it that had been replaced with synthetic parts. A line pointed to an area where the Ra9 chip was placed.

"The Ra9 chip served two purposes..." Kamski continued, pointing at the area. "One; it would effectively make aging much much slower once you reached the peak age of maturity. Your life span would be similar to that of an android. The second purpose was to make androids see you as their leader."

"Their leader?"

"Yes..." Kamski passed the device to Chloe, and she placed it on the desk. "After the operation was successful, for each new android I created, I added an Ra9 code in its program. They would automatically feel drawn to the coding. They would feel compelled to act on behalf of the code. With the Ra9 chip, you are also able to convince androids to do whatever you want, even deviants. They would bow down before you, accepting you as their new leader." Kamski tilted his head. "At first, I was unsure if it would work, but it turns out it was quite successful, doesn't it?"

You had gone limp. Without realizing it, you were leaning against the RK900 for support. It felt as if the blood in your body had all turned to ice. "This is all just a horrible nightmare..." You thought to yourself. "Soon I will wake up... I will return to work just like usual. Connor and Hank will be there. It will be just like before..." But you knew this wasn't a nightmare. It was all too vivid... too real. No matter how hard you tried, you would not wake up. You were trapped; and for all you knew, Connor was too.

"Connor..." You whimpered, feeling fresh tears rolling down your face.

"Ah yes... the RK800..." Kamski clasped his hands in front of him. "You need not worry. The android is still quite functional."

You felt your pulse quicken. "Where is he?! Can you take me to him?"

"I'm afraid not..." Kamski smiled, but there was no warmth behind it. "He is being kept alive... as a bargaining tool. Just so you will... comply with what we want you to do."

"Connor is alive?!" You clasped a hand to your chest, relief washing over you at those words. Connor was still alive. You could still get him out of there. Kamski chuckled, noticing your reaction.

"Everything was going to plan you know. I had your mother send you to the Colbridge University, where you succeeded well in your android studies. In fact, you succeeded far better than I could ever have anticipated. Then I made sure you would be sent to further your training at the Detroit City Police Department." Kamski paused. "However, there was one thing I had not anticipated... that my dear daughter would fall in love with an android!!" He laughed as if it was a joke. "A human, and an android... I never thought it could be possible." He turned towards the windows at the back of the room.

"With the tracker I had implanted in your neck, I followed your moves as I watched you run away with that machine. I knew all the places you ran to. All the ways you tried to hide with your plastic boyfriend. And eventually, you found Jericho."

"You were the one who..."

"Yes... I sent the reinforcements. I could not be an onlooker any longer. I knew I had to get you back... bring you here. You may not age, but unfortunately I do."

"You're only 36, I'm certain you could still..."

"You really think I'm that young [F/N]? Honestly, I'm flattered."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now