Chapter 46: Time

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In that moment, time seemed to stop. You weren't sure what you could do, or say, to change the situation now. Slowly, you glanced around at the others. Everyone was also poised defensively, their eyes focused on Kamski.

Your eyes wandered the battlefield until you finally found Connor. Your eyes lingered on him for a long moment. To your surprise, he was not looking at you, or Kamski. He leaned against an abandoned vehicle, his hands clutched to his side. Why was he standing like that?

"[F/N]... aren't you going to look at your father one last time?"

Your gaze turned back to Kamski.

"What's the matter? You seem... distracted." Kamski smirked. You felt your rage intensify.

"The only thing that is distracting me is the thought of your death Kamski."

Kamski chuckled darkly.

"How dark," His smile faded, and was replaced with a scowl. "To think you used to be such a good girl. So studious, so motivated. I was so proud of you."

To your annoyance, you felt a slight pang of guilt inside you. You didn't know why. Perhaps it was because you had never heard someone say that, especially your parent, and all along, you had only wished for them to notice you. You pushed those feelings away.

"You could have had the entire world in the palm of your hand you know," Kamski claimed, as he swept his arms out. "I was prepared to give everything to you [F/N]. We could've been a team." At those words, you noticed how his face seemed to fall slightly. Then in a flash, it was back to the cold expression it was before. You wondered if you had just imagined it.

"Now because of this situation, I don't think even I can redeem myself, or Cyberlife. You've destroyed everything I have worked so hard to create..." Kamski's voice lowered. "I don't want to hurt you [F/N]... but at the same time, it is the only option I have left." His fingers moved towards the button again.

"Wait!" You cried without thinking. Kamski froze. Everyone turned to look at you in surprise.

"Kamski..." You started, "It doesn't have to be like this. You can still change."

"No!" Kamski snapped. You flinched. His voice lowered. "No... it's too late now. That's why... I would rather end things here." Kamski smiled serenely, but you could see the darkness beneath it. "You are the only one that is keeping this revolution together. If I destroy you, then I win by default. You will lose."

"No Kamski..." You glared up at him with fire in your eyes. "The only one who loses in that scenario is you."

Kamski's eyes flashed in anger; and without a second of hesitation, he pushed the button.

As you had expected: It was just like before.

Pain coursed through your entire body. As the pain seemed to set your limbs on fire, you collapsed to your knees. Everything was burning, your flesh, your bones, your organs. You writhed, trying to will the pain away, but you knew it was impossible. Kamski had turned you into this; and he could destroy you just as easily.

Through the haze of your pain, you could see Bec staring down at you.

"[F/N]!!" She gripped your shoulders. "What the hell has he done to you?!"

You couldn't respond. You just wanted the pain to end. You didn't care how, you just wanted the pain to stop.

Through the midst of your pain, you could feel a throbbing in your temple, near the artificial Ra9 chip. It was pulsating, responding to all the other androids that were surrounding you. Through your tears, you noticed how they were all standing straight and poised, all turned towards Kamski. Even those who were injured were suddenly regaining their strength and struggling to their feet. You heard Bec's voice near you.

"W-What are you doing [F/N]?"  Somehow, she knew that you were the cause of this. Then just as she said it, she too rose to her feet. As if she was unable to avoid following the others.

You still couldn't respond. Yet you knew what they were doing. Those androids felt your pain. Somehow, through the Ra9 chip that linked you all together, they knew that Kamski was torturing you: And now, they were all preparing to go against Kamski, their creator.

Even though the pain still coursed through you, you felt another tension in the air.

The androids began to move towards Kamski. Through the blur of moving bodies, you saw Kamski's face contort into a look of confusion, then fear. He disappeared amongst the mass of deviants. But not before you glimpsed metal in his hands. You heard the sound of a gun firing, yet it seemed so far away.

The old 'officer in training' version of yourself wanted to move into a defensive position. Yet this current body you had couldn't comply.

As you laid there in pain, the androids rallying against Kamski, you glimpsed a flash moving like lightning towards you. You closed your eyes, accepting your fate.

Fate can change in the blink of an eye. The bullet never reached you.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now