Chapter 11: On The Run

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The first few nights were difficult. You were not used to being on the run like this, and with the little money you had, you tried to save it. On the first night, you and Connor stayed in a cheap motel. With his LED covered, no one suspected that he was an android. He was reluctant to get too close to you. You could tell he was still afraid; Afraid he would attack you again. The bruises on your neck had only just begun to heal, and you needed to wear a scarf to cover them. You told Connor several times that you were fine, that you were safe, but he refused to listen. He let you keep the gun; he didn't trust himself with it anymore. You didn't like holding such a violent weapon, but it was important so you forced yourself to. It remained in your pocket, stashed away. You hoped you wouldn't have to use it.

You could tell that the money would only last for so long. You only bought food when you needed it, and only food that could last a good amount of time. When morning came, you and Connor checked out of the hotel, and boarded a bus for the next town. You weren't sure where you would be going, but you just knew it had to be as far away from Cyberlife as possible.

On the second night, you couldn't find a hotel to sleep in. You weren't familiar with the town. It was raining that night. Your clothes clung to your body. That was the only time that Connor held you close, using the motion of his biocomponents to try and keep you warm. You found an old abandoned van to stay in. It was much more dangerous than finding a hotel to stay in, but you were with Connor, and that made you feel safe. You kept the hand on your gun, ready to use it if need be. When Connor lay beside you, the excuse to keep you warm, he told you he would stay awake to watch for danger. When morning came however, you found him in rest mode, his eyes closed, a peaceful and almost angelic look in them. He lay with his arm wrapped around your waist, his breathing steady and slow. His hat had fallen, displaying the calm blue LED on his temple. You touched his forehead, brushing a lock of his brown hair to cover it. He didn't look human but he didn't look like an android either; he looked like an angel. Your hand moved to touch his eyelashes. They flickered slowly, and then opened. His lips curved into a slight smile when he saw your face. You weren't sure how your face must look. Perhaps it was bruised, scratched, covered with dirt; but in his eyes, he didn't seem to see any of that. "You are beautiful," He whispered, touching a particular scratch on your face, but not really paying much attention to it. You didn't feel beautiful in your current state, but reflected in Connor's eyes, you almost believed it. You could have stayed there forever, in Connor's arms, but you knew you would have to move on.

You did all the talking at the hotels. Connor was now registered as a missing android. Being such an advanced prototype, they didn't want to afford to lose him. You tried best as possible to keep him out of sight, so no one would get a good look at him. On that evening however, you let your guard down. You had been booking a room at the hotel, while Connor wandered around the reception, analysing the people and various decorations in it. After you finished booking the hotel room, and moved to go and speak to Connor, you heard a voice.

"Hey cutie, you single?"

You walked over to find a woman, clearly drunk, getting a little too close to Connor. Connor side stepped to back away.

"Sorry... I am already..." He paused, obviously trying to find the 'human' words. He raised his head and met eyes with you, finishing, "With someone..." You giggled to yourself. He was still very awkward with social interaction. You walked over.

"Connor, I booked the room."

Connor, clearly glad to see you, moved over towards you, his chocolate brown eyes filled with a look of confusion at the woman who was flirting with him. She was visibly annoyed at your approach. A few other girls approached her; her friends.

"We'll talk later sweetie," She winked, then left with the group of giggling girls. You scowled in her direction. Connor squeezed your hand, out of habit perhaps. He followed you upstairs to the hotel room. He still had a look of confusion in his eyes.

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now