Chapter 20: Paper Flowers

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It was no longer cold. Instead, it felt unbearably hot; but it was soft at the same time. You slowly opened your eyes and gazed around the room. It was hard to keep them open. You felt tired. You felt like you could sink into the bed. The bed?! You opened your eyes again. You were lying in a bed with crisp white sheets. A pipe was inserted into your right arm, injecting some kind of fluid into it. Another tube was attached to your chest, keeping record of your heart beats. You heard a machine nearby beeping slowly as your chest rose and fell with your breaths. How did you get here? You heard the door open.

"Who's there?" You heard yourself murmur in a rasped voice, as if you hadn't spoken in a long time.

"Deviants..." You heard a low voice echo across the walls. "Fascinating, aren't they?"

You tried to crane your head to see the intruder, but you couldn't. He was out of your sight. You heard his footsteps move towards you.

"Perfect beings, with infinite intelligence..." He continued. "And now they have free will..."

"Who are you?" You asked again. You heard a low chuckle.

"Who am I? Surely you would know that much by now [F/N]..."

"How do you know my name?"

"I know everything about you..."

"Everything?" You whispered, as you heard the man stop just out of your sight. You craned your neck painfully, and winced.

"The truth is hidden deep down..." The voice seemed to move closer, as if it was surrounding you. "Remember me... Remember who you truly are... Who you are meant to be... Remember--"

You gasped awake. This time, you knew it was real because you were staring at the roof of the abandoned church. You heard a hissing sound, like rain on the metal roof. You were still lying on the mattress, cold sweat coating your body. A warm coat was wrapped around you, but it felt sweltering now. You were also lying on something soft, like a pillow. You heard soft singing nearby.

"Hold on... just a little while longer. Hold on... just a little while longer..." It was a beautiful serene singing voice, high pitched and pleasant. You felt something stroking your hair. "Everything will be alright... Everything will be alright..."

You raised your head and the stroking stopped. You realized you were lying on someone's lap.

"Oh, you're awake..." You heard the voice giggle softly. Your eyes focused and you saw that it was Jade, her blonde hair cascading over one shoulder, her eyes shimmering as she met your own. "Are you alright? It looked like you were having a nightmare."

You gazed at her in shock for a moment, still becoming adjusted to your surroundings.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to have a nightmare..." She murmured serenely. "But I can't imagine it would be too pleasant."

"Jade, what are you doing here?" You sat up. You felt something in your hair. You reached up and pulled out a pink paper origami flower, that Jade had obviously placed there.

"I came to speak to you, but I found you were already asleep..." Now that you weren't resting your head on her lap, she crossed her legs on the mattress. Her jeans were torn and faded, her white shirt covered in dirt and ash so much it looked grey.

Your mind flashed to the events of the day. The way Nox had laid there, unmoving, body burnt and black. The way Bec had screamed at you, the way she begged you to take her heart to save Nox. You shuddered.

"I'm sorry..." You started.

"Sorry for what?"

"For not being able to save Nox..."

[COMPLETE] Purple Hearts (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now