Alley Act | Shirazu Ginshi

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A/N: This takes place a bit before the TG:re arc!

"I'll also need (Y/N) if I want to get through with this plan."

You craned your neck, to look back at the purple haired boy behind you, face frozen with a look of bewilderment. Urie never, never asks for help. What's he planning..?

"What do you need her for?! Ain't I enough?" Shirazu complained. You nodded, admitting he had a point.

"That's true!" You were so tempted to get up from your spot on the couch to argue, but you were too comfy (and slightly lazy). "I can barely control my kagune! What good would I do? I'd most likely wreck the whole ward..." Your eyes went from your squad leader to your feet, shame radiating off of you like crazy.

Urie muttered something under his breath — nothing good, most likely— and sighed.

"I need a decoy. And Shirazu can't do it alone." He answered monotonously.

"I'm just a decoy?!" You glanced at the blonde boy, ready to watch what ever temper tantrum he was gonna pull off.

"Not if she doesn't come along." Urie said, giving you a slight glare. "I can't kill this ghoul if she doesn't come."

Oof. He struck a chord within you. Urie really knew how to make you feel like shit. Damn him and his controlling nature.

"And you wouldn't be using your kakuja. We all know you can't control it yet and that you shouldn't have gotten it in the first place."

It's not like you could say no after that.

Both of the boys looked at you, one completely calm and the other could barely stay in place, for a reason that you couldn't figure out. If you didn't go, this ghoul would still be standing by tomorrow, but if you helped Urie, you'd be one ghoul closer to peace in Tokyo.

"Fine! I'll come!" You slammed your hands on the couch and got up. "But we'll have to let Mutsuki know. Maybe you're okay with going on missions without anyone knowing of your whereabouts, but I don't want my body rotting in some random alley because we didn't tell anyone where we were going!"

Urie was about to protest, but Shirazu was faster. "Well? Bring him here then! We're wasting so much fucking time!"

You nodded and ran around the Chateau, desperately looking for your green haired friend.


"I'm back!" Haise shouted, expecting three Quinxes to pop up out of somewhere soon to greet him. Surprisingly, only Mutsuki showed up, Shirazu and (Y/N) missing.

"Welcome back." Mutsuki said, in a rather... Nervous tone?

The mentor frowned. "Where's Shirazu and (Y/n)? And what's with you..?"

Tooru scratched his cheek, gazing at the wall beside him. "Urie went on a mission again..." He started.

Sasaki sighed and sat down in the nearest chair. This was getting out of control... What would happen if that stubborn kid went searching for a strong ghoul all alone like that? He could get hurt, or worse..!

"And what about the two others?" He asked.

"They went with him... Well, I don't think (Y/N) was 100% into their idea, and neither was Shirazu, actually, but... They're all out. I think they should be back by midnight, according to their plan."

"At least Urie got back up," Haise sighed, relieved. "It might help (Y/N) gain better control of her kakuja..."

Mutsuki didn't utter another word and awkwardly shifted. Sasaki gazed at him with a suspicious expression. "Is there anything else that they told you, Mutsuki?" He asked.

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