La Vie en Rose II | Tsukiyama Shuu

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A/N: okay so after the Rose extermination things just go completely off script just for the sake of the plot. No Rushima yet and stuff, just so I can avoid spoilers because _XLittleNightmareX_ requested this and he hasn't finished the manga yet. And yes I know Eto probably wouldn't do that but she was the only person I had thought of so...

Wrong. Everything feels so, so wrong... You're not supposed to be alive... You're supposed to be dead, to be in pieces right now. So why weren't you again..?

"Wake up, (Y/N)..." 

You jolted forwards, ripped away from your sleep. Ripped away from the only peace of mind you get each day. 

"Too much sleep isn't good for the baby, after all!" 

You glared at Eto, who was happily prancing around the room before returning with human meat. 

"You're not getting my child." You repeated. It was the same thing everyday. Eto woke you up, forced you to eat human flesh while you told her she wouldn't have your child and she wouldn't have it grow up the way she did. 

"Of course I'll have it!" She giggled. "Who'll save the two of you anyway? The CCG knows your betrayal, your friends are either dead or think you're  dead... You've got no other choice, do you? Besides, is that any way to talk to your saviour?"

You coldly glared at her when she thrusted the human flesh in front of your face. "I never asked you to save me, therefore I have no reason to be grateful." You answered before taking the 'meal' from her and consuming it. You knew better than to disobey her on this matter by now, no matter how horrid the acts you were obeying were. If you didn't do this, both you and your child would die.

"Yadda, yadda. I really hope my kid won't have your attitude, or their father's either, actually." She sighed before ripping off the cover of the somewhat comfortable bed while you choked down the meat. "Oh, you're starting to show!" She cheered. "That's good!" 

"It's not going to be your kid, Eto. I'll get the fuck out of here before you can lay your filthy hands on my baby." You growled. "I swear it." 

"Hm, determined." She commented, ignoring you completely. "Oh, I chose the right parents alright! Anyways, time for the daily walk, since in order for the baby to be healthy, you gotta be healthy too..." With that, she pulled you up by the arms and led you out of your cell. 

You simply followed behind, looking around to see if anything had changed since your walk yesterday. Just the smallest detail could be the key to your escape, you had to keep your eyes open for absolutely anything. 

"Your little boyfriend was a koukaku, right?" She asked, emphasizing the 'was', which made your heart break once again. 

"He IS a koukaku." You corrected. Shuu wasn't dead. You did not throw yourself at Haise for nothing. You had been in denial for three months, and you'll stay in denial until you see him again. 

Eto simply chuckled. "You're too stubborn for your own good, it'll be your downfall." 

"No, it'll be the key to get out of here." You shot back, frowning. You just wanted to kick her down a set of stairs and then jump on her face... 

"Aw, don't frown, (Y/N)! It's not good for the baby!" She teased, knowing that despite how much you tell her you'll do anything to make sure she doesn't get your child, ruining its health is not one of them. 

You simply huffed and shut up, looking around the place. Nothing was different, yet again, save for a purple haired teen who passed the both of you. You craned your neck to get a better look at him, and he seemed to do the same since you ended up in a staring contest for a few seconds before he turned back, looking uninterested. So you two aren't alone in here... 

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