Name | Shirazu Ginshi (Angst)

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A/N: don't ask why but I'm oddly comfortable writing about Shirazu so I'd say this thing's sorta has LIME WARNING written all over it? There's no FULL smut scene but there's still some content that's REALLY damn close to it... So if you're not comfortable with smut, maybe avoid this one?

"Ginshi!" You gasped as the tall teen tackled you in a hug. You slowly reciprocated it, confused. "Why the sudden affection?"

As soon as it started, the awkward hug ended and Shirazu took a few steps away from you, giving you your personal space back. "It's just- haha... I was so sure you would've rejected me... Urie said it wasn't a good idea, so I... Well, I still went through with it BECAUSE he said I shouldn't but-"

"I don't know what Urie's on, but if I would've passed up this opportunity to be with someone like you, I would have never forgiven myself." You smiled, making the boy in front of you blush. Actually, now that you think about it, you can officially call him your boyfriend! The thought of it made the butterflies in your stomach so hyper you nearly had to double over in surprise.

"Damn, if I knew that, I wouldn't have wasted so much time-"

"It's in the past, Ginshi! We can be happy now!" You said, tackling him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders to hug him.


"Ginshi?" You asked, curious about why your boyfriend was so quiet. The sudden change made you quite worried. "What's wrong? You're awfully quiet..." You stopped the movie the two of you were watching and placed a hand on his shoulder, lightly stroking the fabric of his shirt with your thumb.

"Can I kiss you?" He blurted out, gazing into your eyes.

Your eyes widened. "Well- er, you can, but I'm not experienced in that kind of stuff yet, so I don't know if I'd be good or not.." You ranted, trying to avoid his gaze. Is it bad that at your age, you never shared a single kiss with anyone?

You felt ashamed, but the emotion didn't last long.

A hand lightly gripped your chin so you'd face the Ukaku quinx, and you watched as Shirazu leaned in, keeping eye contact with you until your foreheads were almost touching, as if he was looking for a sign telling him to stop.

Seeing none, he closed the remaining gap and hesitantly brushed his lips against yours. You shivered at the odd yet pleasurable feeling, quickly understanding the technique behind kissing.

Ginshi gently pushed you down on the couch, and you gripped the back of his neck for support as you lowered yourself down into the comfortable cushions. He straddled your waist and moved his lips against yours in a faster, more passionate pace and you struggled to keep up with the intensity of the kiss.

Nevertheless, you still loved how much emotion he put into this simple action, and the fact that you could read every single one made your heart expand thrice its size just for the blonde boy.

You felt Ginshi's teeth nibbling at your bottom lip—probably asking for entrance— and an unintentional moan escaped the back of your throat at the feeling. It stung a bit, but you enjoyed how his unnaturally sharp teeth nearly pierced your skin.

...did you have a biting kink?

With your type of luck, yes. It's most likely.

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