Family Reunion | Suzuya Juuzou

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A/N: I know some of you guys were really upset about the angst bomb I dropped on the reader and Suzuya in their last one shot, so please please take this sweet fluff chapter as an apology. 

You let out a bubbly laugh of glee once you finally, after so many months of research, found them. Who would have thought you would have found them over Facebook, out of anything? But you didn't have time to sold yourself for not looking there first. You were more preoccupied on trying to get your mind to behave once again, instead of imagining all kinds of scenarios that might happen in the future if these two were the ones. 

Suzuya Ami

Suzuya Daiki

You really hoped these were the two you were looking for. If not, you weren't sure you'd have enough determination to keep endlessly searching for those poor souls. Knowing yourself, you'd probably keep going for the sake of your boyfriend, Juuzou, but still... It had been months since you last had a clue of their whereabouts. If this wasn't it, you would be super disappointed. 

Juuzou went through so much, he never got to experience so many things he deserved to feel... Finding his parents was the least you could do for him. All you had to do was make sure the two of them were aware that he might not be what they would be expecting, but... It's better than having your son turn up dead, right? 

You typed a message directed to a group chat you made with just the three of you, hoping to be and sound as convincing as you could. 

(L/N) (Y/N): Hello Mr and Ms. Suzuya. My name is (L/N) (Y/N), First Class investigator at the Tokyo branch of the CCG. I would like to ask the two of you a few question about a possible ghoul attack in your past? 

You decided to not sit there like an idiot and wait for them to answer right away. Not all people were taking their day off to search far and wide on the internet for two specific people like you. Hell, you seemed like a damn stalker right now. 

Putting your phone on the coffee table in front of you and making sure it wasn't on silent mode, you leaned back and sighed, an attempt to calm your racing heart. What if they don't answer? What if they're not the ones you're looking for? What if they don't want to meet up with Juuzou? What would you do then? 

You just wanted to make your boyfriend happy, damn it! The poor man deserved so much, you just wanted to give him everything you could, parents included. Especially after Shinohara's condition... 

A loud 'bing!' made you jump about three feet high on the couch and you nearly threw yourself at your phone to see if it was them. 

Suzuya Daiki: Hello, investigator (L/N)... We both wouldn't mind giving you the information you require, but I would like some proof of your alignment with the CCG, please. Thank you.

You quickly jumped to your feet to go get your badge, taking a photo of it next to your face to show them that you were indeed who you claimed to be. Once you pressed send, you decided to ask them straight away. 

(L/N) (Y/N): I am aware that this might sound invasive, but did you ever have a son that might have been kidnapped by ghouls when he was very young?

The message was direct, straight to the point, and you hoped they wouldn't be freaked out by it. Or that they'd tell you that you had the wrong Suzuyas. After all, Suzuya might not even be Juuzou's real last name. It wouldn't surprise you if it were the case. Big Madam was clever enough to do something like that... 

Suzuya Daiki: Yes. We lost him when he was about three years old. 

Your heart literally skipped a beat. Taking a deep, shaky breath, you attempted to calm yourself before you jump up, celebrate and accidentally break your phone, cutting off the only connection to Juuzou's biological parents. 

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