French | Karren Von Rosewald

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A/N: So I have this lifeguard class this week end (it's like 24 hours in total rip me) and I just wanted to let you guys know that I probably won't be posting one chapter a day like I usually do... I'm so sorry for those of you who requested, I'll try to work as fast as possible! ;^;
Note: all the (e) s in the french dialogue is because it's significantly harder to remain gender neutral in french, so if you use female pronouns, I would have to add an e at the end of certain verbs or adjectives. So I put the extra
E in parentheses.

You snuggled closer into Karren as the two of you were seated on the couch, watching a cheesy romance movie. Well, you considered it cheesy. Karren was definitely enjoying the movie, and you knew it. She was the type to love those cliché films where it ends with the couple getting back together after a misunderstanding and kissing in the rain.

You knew she'd never admit it, but you had a feeling she might want to try that with you. Kissing in the rain, that is. Not the misunderstanding. She loved it when you pulled off cliché romantic gestures like that.

"That's dumb." You muttered, watching the characters on the screen fight about how the guy apparently cheated on the girl, which was the misunderstanding you were talking about. Here comes the 'I should have known you didn't love me' speech...

"What do you mean it's dumb?" Karren asked, just slightly insulted that you didn't enjoy the movie.

"Well, she's not letting him talk or explain things. There's no communication. It's just dumb that she's just assuming things without seeing his side of the story. The worst part is, it's like that in the real world too." You frowned. "If it were me, I'd let you tell me everything before I make a decision."

"The difference here is that I'd never dream of even looking at someone else the way I look at you, meine Geliebte." Karren cooed, her grip around your waist tightening.

You smiled at her. "I love you."

"I love you too." She answered as you leaned in, the movie playing long forgotten. Just as your lips were barely brushing hers, your phone loudly rang and vibrated in your pocket, causing you to drop your head in the crook of her neck, loudly groaning at the disturbance.

"Didn't I tell you to shut that thing off?" She annoyingly groaned, the moment officially ruined. "Just ignore the call."

You nodded, about to do just that when you noticed who exactly was the caller. "Sorry, it's my mom. I have to answer..." You said apologetically, getting up from your comfortable position and sparing her one last look (she glared back at you. Ah, how you could feel the love...) before walking to your room to take the call in private.

"What?" You said a bit too harshly as you picked up. Why was it that parents were history's biggest cockblockers?

"(Y/N), c'est ta mère (it's your mother)." You heard the voice on the other side say, apparently off put by your answer in Japanese.

"Je sais (I know)." You groaned. "Tu m'as seulement interrompu(e), maman (you only interrupted me, mom)."

"Si tu le sais, pourquoi que tu réponds à ta mère en Japonais (If you knew, why did you answer your mother in Japanese)?" She answered sassily.

"Parce que, j'était un peu frustré(e) par ton appel (Because, I was a bit angered by your call)." You replied, rubbing your temples with your free hand. "C'est quoi que tu veux, au juste (What do you want, exactly)?" You just wanted to end the call and go back to your girlfriend already...

"Je voulais savoir comment ça allais à Tokyo! Je planifiais de venir te voir avec ton pè- (I wanted to know how it's going in Tokyo! I was planning on visiting you with your fa-)"

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