Sparring | Karren Von Rosewald

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A/N: this was requested by @brain-empty ! I hope you like it!!

"Come on! Please?" You pleaded to your girlfriend, who wanted to hear absolutely none of it. "You never know! Maybe I'll be the one to beat you into a pulp and you won't even feel bad for hurting me!"

     Karren looked the other way, absolutely refusing to listen to you. It was almost as if she were pouting, like a child. She didn't even dare to answer you; you probably had more excuses and reasoning in your mind that you could use against her, and she would rather avoid the argument rather than lose it.

You knew Karen's technique all too well. It's not like you didn't know her; no, on the contrary, you knew her better than most of the other servants (aside from Matsumae, who seemed quite close to her). You wouldn't accept the turn of her head as an answer. "You know Matsu's not available today, right? The only training you could squeeze in is with me!" You nearly sang, just to get to her. You were speaking facts, too. And Karren had a weakness for facts, apparently.

She made the mistake to cast a glance your way. A part of her brained asked 'why not', to which she struggled to find opposing arguments. "I categorically refuse to hit you." She stubbornly spoke, causing a large grin to manifest on your face. It wasn't devious per se, but that's because she knew you. For others, you might have looked demented just about now.

"That's great! You do need to work on your defence a bit more anyways! I noticed you were lacking a bit in that sector." Your answer coaxed an insulted expression from your girlfriend. You giggled, but didn't take back your words. It's not like you were lying when you said that. "...just a tiny bit, you know? It's just some fine tuning, really." You tried to soften the blow, just for her.

"Go get ready before I change my mind." She then took off in the direction of your usual training grounds without giving you another look. Okay, so she doesn't like being reminded that her defence is weak; it happens, no? She wasn't pissed at you, and she knew that you knew that.

"I love you!" You giggled when the only answer you received was a dismissing wave of her slim hand. You then bolted after her, since you didn't have much 'getting ready' to do. It's not like you brought your mask and battle suit everywhere you went, and you certainly didn't want to be caught with it when you were pretending to lead a human life.

As soon as the two of you were in place, you casually started warming up, thinking it might be the smart thing to do rather than to get into intensive training first thing. Your girlfriend, on the other hand, had a different idea. She lunged at you, kagune already unraveling from her back. You barely managed to counter her attack, for she had caught you off-guard. "I didn't know we were sparring like, right now!" You exclaimed, causing her to grin.

"It's quite foolish of you to think that the enemy is going to let you warm up beforehand." She replied with a smug tone of voice. "I'm doing you a favour, you know." Ah, there was Battle Karren. You admired her ability to switch mindsets and personalities so quickly. It was very useful when you lead a double life, after all.

"Fair enough," you shrugged, dodging yet another attempt to bring you down. Your own chimera kagune erupted from your back. Seeing as you were not only using a bikaku to get at her weaker points, but both of your kagunes, her smug smile was wiped clean off her face. "Since we're pretending this is real combat, how about we pretend you're fighting the Yotsume girl from Aogiri? A non-chimera would be too easy for you." Why yes, two could play at that game. And Karren was too prideful to whine that it was unfair.

"Cheeky, as always." She muttered before getting down to business. You soon got the upper hand within the combat, fulfilling your promise of working on her defences. You struck, and struck, and struck while she was trying her very best to push her limits and hold out against you. To outsiders (or even the Tsukiyama family), it might have looked like a legitimate fight to the death, but without the blood. She was doing quite well today though; usually, she would have collapsed by now.

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