Worth It | Kuroiwa Takeomi

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A/N: I NEVER WROTE ABOUT TAKEOMI BEFORE OOOOOF. This was requested by 0BellaBelle0

I'm sorry if Takeomi's OOC ;^;

"Mutsuki, watch ou-" It was too late. Before you could tell your friend to watch out for the men walking your way, the boy ran into one of them, causing the whole squad to turn towards you. You nearly shrunk at the amount of (terrifying) attention that settled on you both.

"We're sorry!" You both exclaimed, bowing in front of the intimidating men. 

Once you both got up, you made brief eye contact with one of the guys from the squad but was quickly snapped out of your daze by Mutsuki dragging you away. 

"What a bunch of push overs." A superior grumbled as Takeomi watched the two of you (run) walk away. 

"They don't look like Quinxes at all." Another one added, frowning. 

"Now, now, don't judge a book by its cover." Kuramoto jokingly scolded. "I'm sure those two can be quite scary in their own ways. And besides, they're co-workers, we should be nice to them." 

Scary... You looked no where near scary in Takeomi's opinion. If anything, innocent might be the word Itou was looking for. 

"Got your head in the clouds, Kuroiwa?" Kuramoto teased, looking at the two ghoul investigators fleeing. "Got a thing for one of them already? I didn't think you'd go soft this fast!" 

Takeomi simply looked forwards once again and caught up with his squad, deciding not to answer Itou, knowing the teasing would never end if he did. 

"Ah, which one is it?" Itou inquired. "Is it Mutsuki? (L/N)? Maybe it is Mutsuki... (L/N), maybe? Ah, Kuroiwa, answer your superior!"

Takeomi did nothing of the sorts. He already knew he was never going to hear the end of it. It wasn't worth the trouble.


"Hah? What do you mean we have to work with the Itou squad?" You asked, not hiding the grimace on your face. "They're scary!" 

"Are you saying we're not?" Shirazu questioned, a tad bit offended. 

"Have you seen us? We look like a gang of lost puppies! We can't cooperate as a squad, who's to say we can cooperate with another squad to join forces? Not me!" You explained, causing Haise to frown. 

"We're a good squad!" He exclaimed. 

"Ask that to Urie, I'm curious about whether or not he thinks the same." You nodded towards the male who instantly rolled his eyes once you mentioned him. 

Haise sighed. "It doesn't matter, we're still going to help them with this ghoul." He sternly said, causing you to sigh. "Besides, they're coming over for information about the case, so you better all behave." He glanced at you and Shirazu at the mention of the word 'behave'. Of course he would. 

"God save our souls." You muttered right when the door bell of the Chateau rang. Why right now? You had already met Itou a few weeks prior and probably gave him a very bad first impression along with Mutsuki... This was going to be painfully embarrassing. 

"Ah, Itou, welcome!" You heard Haise greet from the entrance, probably welcoming the squad and guiding them towards the living room where you were all seated (minus Saiko, of course).

You awkwardly shifted on the couch, watching as the squad walked into the living room, taking in the foreign look the Chateau had.  It's not every day you walk into a western-style three story house, after all. 

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