Trust | Naki

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A/N: Lol the reader's a doctor because I love the idea of Naki being with someone intellectual who can teach him tons of stuff and he just shows them off saying their partner is the smartest.


DISCLAIMER: Please don't try to reset your knee by yourself if it ever happens. Call an ambulance, go to the doctor, but just don't do it alone by following what I wrote, I'm not a doctor (yet, wink wonk), don't use this as legit instructions for the love of g o d. I don't want to be responsible for someone getting hurt.

Seriously, can't you get a freaking break? You had a day off work today, a day without having to deal with stress, critical situations and overreacting moms that think their kid is going to die because of a mosquito, but you just had to have two ghouls break into your home on this very day. Not that you hate your job, you love working at the E.R., but enough is enough.

Dodging yet another swing from the first ghoul, you wondered how in the ever loving hell you were able to face those two in the first place. These ghouls were obviously stronger than you, yet here you are, handling the situation like a god damn champ. Pen in hand, you found an opening between their punches and swung the small weapon forwards, effectively stabbing it in the ghoul's eye. You knew it was the only spot in their body that wasn't as tough as the rest, and you were going to take it as an advantage. You'll thank Yamori for the useful information next time you see him.

"Anti White Suits pieces of shit." You grumbled as you watched the ghoul stumble back in shock and in pain, the second one looking at you like you were a monster. "Yeah, I had a few conversations with Jason. Wanna see what I learned, bitch?" You taunted.

Bad move.

The second ghoul launched itself forward and you were about to dodge when the door to your house swung open, causing you to draw your attention to the sudden noise instead of the dangerous ghoul in front of you.

It tackled you to the ground while you placed your right leg behind you to try and regain your balance, only to have your knee dislocated in the process, causing pain to shoot up your leg, a scream of surprise and agony erupting from your throat.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice cried out before a flash of white appeared next to you, knocking the ghoul off of you. You watched as the blonde stabbed the ghoul to death before finishing off the one who had your pen in the eye.

"Hey, Naki." You greeted as calmly as possible, wincing when you tried to move your leg. Resetting it was going to be a pain in both the leg and the ass. "Nice of you to swing by, I missed you."

You watched as the man stabbed the ghoul repeatedly, apparently too upset to notice it was completely and utterly dead. Mort, deceased, lifeless, cadaverous, just dead.

"Hey, they're dead, sweetie. It's okay, you saved me." You reassured, sighing when he stopped his attacks. Maybe your carpet could still be saved...

Naki turned around, tears pooling in his eyes at the sight of you. "I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed. "I should've had Hooguro and Shousei guarding you!" He fell to his knees in front of you, hugging your upper body as if you'd disappear if he let go.

"Hey, Naki, it's alright!" You rubbed his back soothingly, trying to ignore your dislocated knee. "If it's anyone's fault, it's mine, alright? I had told you not to have anyone guarding me. Don't blame yourself. If anything, I'm really glad you came when you did." You reassured, heart breaking when your neck started feeling wet. You knew he was really sentimental, but you hated it when it was because of you. "I'm alive, and that's what counts."

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