If I Was A Ghoul | Shirazu Ginshi

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A/N: This was requested by @YanskieLuixx 

You know how like in the first chapter of :Re Shirazu's pictured as like this super creepy/ crazy guy killing a ghoul with just his feet for fun and honestly that downright scared me?? Well this is the kind of Ginshi we're having at some point here because they requested a bit of angst (but not for long bc Ginshi's a softie once it comes to his partner ;P). 

"Hey Ginshi?" You asked, tilting your head to glance at your boyfriend who was sitting next to you on the couch. "I got a question for you." 

The shark boy paused the show he was watching to give you his full attention. "Shoot."

"If I was a ghoul, would you be able to kill me?" You asked nonchalantly. Of course, somewhere deep inside of you, you knew the risks of Ginshi finally realizing that the question was more than just your simple curiosity, but you hoped that since you're playing it cool, he wouldn't notice a thing. You hoped you had good acting skills. 

"What do you mean, 'able to kill you'? Because no offense but I'm sure I could take you down in a fight, (Y/N)." The man said, giving you a toothy grin. You rolled your eyes at his remark. 

"No, I mean would you have the courage to kill me? For example, if you were a ghoul, I don't think I'd be able to kill you. I wouldn't want to kill the one I love and I'd probably let you eat me instead of having to kill you, to be honest." You said, your words shocking Shirazu. 

"Well, I-- Uh... I don't know, it's sorta my job... But... If you were a ghoul, you wouldn't kill people for fun, right?" 

"Of course not." 

"Then... I guess... Uh..." He seemed extremely uncomfortable with the question and you regretted asking him. 

"Hey, chill. It was just for fun, but if you don't want to answer it, you don't have to!" You assured, grabbing his hand. "Must be tougher to answer since you're an actual CCG investigator, so I don't mind not getting my answer." You assured, giving him a warm smile. 

"It's not like I'll have to make that choice anyways." The boy answered before leaning into you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing his face against your shoulder and pressing the 'play' option on the remote to keep watching the show on TV. 

"Right, so no need to worry." You casually agreed, although you were thoroughly scared of his lack of positive answer. 

You could only pray that he was right and it would never come to that. 


"I seriously hate you guys right now!" You exclaimed as you and your two friends were running away from the CCG investigator that caught them eating. "Oh, come hunt with us in the 1st ward they said, it's safe and better than suicide victims they said, don't worry, we'll take someone who deserved it they said, it'll be fun they said !" You mocked, leading the two bloody ghouls through the alleyways of Tokyo. "Now look where we're at!" 

"Can't we just kill him?" One of your friends asked, making you scoff. 

"Do you have a death wish?" You retorted. "That would one, bring more attention to us and two, go against my promise to not hurt any living humans! We are not  hurting the investigator." 

"But he'll kill us!" The second one exclaimed before crying out in pain and falling on the ground. Apparently she was right... 

"Holy shit, it's a ghoul!" Your remaining friend shouted. A ghoul? No, of course not, unless it's Haise, but... A Quinx? Shit, that's probable. You had to get out of here and quick while your mask was still intact and your identity was still well hidden. 

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