Mom | Suzuya Juuzou

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A/N: ya'll thought Naki was next?? SurPRISE JUUZOU GETS A VIP PASS because that sweet child needs a 'mom/dad friend' s/o 'cause poor Hanbee can't do that all on his own and I can't get Naki's character right.


Juuzou Suzuya.

God, how could one person give you so much trouble, yet make it all worth it?

You've been by his side for three years now, and you were glad. There were no boring days with that kid around. It had been entertaining watching him give Shinohara so much trouble while you could sit back and enjoy the show with some pop corn and a peeved off Takizawa, and now, you could sit back until he made a fool of himself and have you and Hanbee run after him to make sure he didn't get into too much trouble.

Not that you complained. As weird as he could be, you couldn't help feeling so affectionate around him (and by extension his—or well, your— squad). People like him in this world were rare, and you'd do anything to ensure that he lives on and remains happy his entire life.

Some could say you love him, and you wouldn't say they're wrong, as unprofessional as it is.

"(Y/N)-chan, why'd you bring those earbuds with you again?" Juuzou asked as you all prepared yourself for the nearing operation, ripping you our of your thoughts. You had a habit of thinking over things like that before battle.

"First; don't call me that, I'm still your subordinate. Second, music helps me focus." You said as you plugged said earbuds into your phone and clicked the playlist entitled 'battle'.

"You won't be able to hear the ghouls approaching with that music," Mizurou warned.

"Au contraire, mon cher," you said. "It helps a lot in battle."

He gave you a slightly disapproving look.

"For me, anyways." You added, fixing the strap on your arm, making sure the XIII was showing.

"It still seems pretty risky when fighting as a squad." Hanbee countered.

Were they all against you today? Sheesh.

"What's wrong with listening to music?" You were getting rather defensive and it was annoying you.

"The real question would be what's wrong with listening to music in the battle field?" Nakarai asked, glaring at you.

"Answer: everything." Mikage answered.

"You could get us killed!" Mizurou exclaimed.

"Alright, that's a bit over the top- hey!" You complained as you felt someone rip your earbuds right out of your ears, effectively taking away your phone and source of focus with them. "Suzuya!" You complained.

"I'll give them back to you after the operation, promise!" He gave you one of his sweet smiles. The ones you couldn't resist.

"...fine. But don't blame me if the squad performance isn't as good as usual!" You warned.

As soon as you ended your sentence, the CCG truck stopped, signalling that you arrived at your destination, and to some, their last destination.

"Can't believe we'd be scolding (Y/N), out of everyone." Nakarai grumbled, getting out of the car.

"It's payback for all the times she pretended to be our mom!" Mizurou said, jumping out of the vehicle next.

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