Ignorance? Nah. | Naki

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A/N: this is a parody of my Shirazu X reader fanfiction (more specifically, the chapter entitled "Shortcut") in which the reader secretly started dating Naki, so if you're confused by a few things, I'd recommend to go read the book. It's called Ignorance! 

This was requested by @_DhangerDhaddy_ 

I hope you enjoy ;P

The sound of the bell ringing made you turn your head towards the café's entrance, an apologetic look on your face. "I'm sorry, the café's closed right now..." You started, cutting yourself off when you noticed just who was standing at the door. Giving Naki your brightest smile, you ignored the way your heart skipped a beat. 

What was he doing here?

After hours. 

All alone. 

In the café, where there was no one around... 

You mentally scolded yourself to get your mind out of the gutter. 

"Did you forget something, Naki?" You sweetly asked, setting the rag you were using to clean the tables down and walking towards the blonde man so that communication would be easier. 

"Huh? Oh, uh... No, I didn't." He answered, obviously a bit uneasy. "I just came to... To ask for more information, that's all!" 

You furrowed your eyebrows and tried your best to hide your smile. "Naki, you came by this morning and we told you everything was silent for now... Cameron's got no info right now." You answered. "Now what are you really  here for?" 

You definitely didn't miss the way his cheeks seemed to get redder. After all, it was a huge contrast to his pale skin and blonde hair... What was on his mind? 

"Um..." He glanced all around the café, as if he'd find his answer to your question somewhere there. "I... It's because..." 

"Get to the point, Naki. I won't judge you, I swear." You assured. 

"I don't want you to give your number to that guy. The one that was disrekeptful." He finally blurted out. 

You blinked a few times, assessing what he said. "I didn't give him my number." You assured. "After you left, I barely spoke to him." Well, that was a lie. You speak to Shirazu every day, but... Naki didn't need to know, did he?

"Oh? You didn't?" A hopeful look appeared on his face once you nodded. "Ah, that's good! Because... Uh... Well... I don't know how to explain it, really... I... Rin's..." 

You patiently waited. Patience was the key when it came to Naki, anyways. 

"I... want your number..?" He cringed at how weird his statement... Question... Thing sounded. 

"You want my number?" You asked, finally putting two and two together. It seems manipulating Naki's emotions finally paid off, but... Why did you feel so happy about it?

"I don't know how to explain it, I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, burying his face into his hands, on the verge of tears. "It's not easy..." 

"I think I understand, though." You started, grabbing his hands and pulling them away from his face. "Can I try something? Because I think I know what you mean, but I wanna check if that's what you really meant." 

Naki blushed at the intense look in your eyes before shyly nodding. 

Here you go... 

One of your hands left his own to cup his cheek while you leaned in, briefly brushing your lips against his before kissing him softly. When Naki tensed up, you quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry!" You exclaimed, letting him go and taking a few steps away from him, afraid he didn't like it or felt uncomfortable. 

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