A Favour | Furuta Nimura

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A/N: so this beauty was requested by @XamXin ! I hope you enjoy it! Also: MERRY CHRISTMAS YA'LL!!!

I'm sorry if Fruit-chan sounds a bit OOC, I tried my best ;-;

You knew you had some investigators on your ass. How could you not? You could almost be considered an SSS-rated ghoul! But seriously? Send six squads after you? That was a bit much, even for you.

"There they are!" Someone yelled behind you, making you throw a curious glance towards them. Seeing an unidentified projectile flying your way, you dodged it and kept running forwards. "Don't let Yin Yang get away!" The person ordered, making you roll your eyes behind your mask.

You scaled up two buildings and ran even faster, knowing freedom was right there. Once you'd jump down into that crowded area of oblivious people, you'd take off your costume and you'll be able to blend in with the crowd. It'd be another victory for you (from what you recalled, the score would be you: 7 CCG: 0).

Just as you were about to leap off the building, someone tackled you to the right, making you fall in a dead-end alleyway. You cursed under your breath as a man clad in black got up, apparently unbothered by the fall. If he was human, he was a really strong one, but then again... He didn't smell right.

"Hello!" He cheerfully greeted, taking out his quinque. "You must be who we call Yin Yang! A pleasure to meet you, you're a legend!"

"And you must be incredibly dumb." You shot back. "Listen, I'm not interested in eating humans. You can run away right now and I won't hurt you." You suggested, changing the pitch in your voice so it wouldn't be recognizable later on.

"Hm?" The man tilted his head to the side and you had to admit he looked really pretty like that. Too bad he was an investigator... "I don't think so. Kijima would be soooo mad if I let you go!" With that, the raven haired beauty (yes, beauty. Because you could not deny how handsome the guy was) leapt forwards in an attempt to attack you, which you easily blocked.

"Six of your squads couldn't capture me." You rationed. "This is suicide, --"

"Furuta." You let out a confused noise, hinting to the man that he should explain. "My name's Furuta!"

You sighed and dodged another pathetic hit from Furuta. He must be a new investigator, most likely one of those over-confident ones who think they could bring down the Owl on their own. "Furuta, this is suicide. You can do something better with your life, you know." There was no way you'd actually kill him without at least warning him. You weren't that heartless, after all. You just did what you wished investigators would have done with your deceased family members.

The male simply smirked. It was a terrifying smirk, one that was able to send shivers through your spine. It was a warning, you knew it (you were familiar with it). The investigator who murdered your family had a similar smirk before he decapitated your mother.

The guy was stronger than he let on. His attacks got a lot stronger in mere seconds (and also way quicker), and you had more difficulty blocking them. He was smaller than your kakuja, therefore faster. Maneuvering a gigantic kagune like that wasn't easy, okay? Furuta had another advantage, that being the small, cramped-up alley you were fighting in. Your kakuja couldn't fully form here, taking away a part of your usually indestructible defense (and offense, for that matter).

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