Bets | Suzuya Juuzou

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A/N: Rip my writing's been so off these days I apologize for the bad quality!!

There's also a bit of salty Takizawa because I love him and in this he loves you so whoops there goes the angst again (as long as you're reading my works, its always angst).

You looked through the file, visibly grimacing from the information the document held. 

"That kid went through hell." You commented before passing the folder back to your best friend, Takizawa Seidou. "I don't know if Shinohara will be able to actually help him out. He's been raised by Big Madam after all."

Takizawa took the folder from your hands and placed it back on Houji's desk. "I bet he won't last more than a month before they send him somewhere else." He said, smiling to you. "550 Yen." 

You narrowed your eyes at him, "That's a low price coming from you, Takizawa..." You skeptically said, holding back a smile of your own. 

"You're right. Make it 600 Yen and you owe me dinner." He added, which made you giggle, accepting his terms. 

"On my side, I'll say that..." You went back to Suzuya's file and read a few things to make sure you were betting the right thing. "He'll pull through and... Get promoted this year." 

You heard Seidou exclaim in surprise. "You really want to pay that dinner with me, don't you? That's impossible! The kid's not gonna get far, you know." He said, walking towards you to look at the information too. 

You smiled and wrapped an arm around Takizawa's shoulder, satisfied by his reddened face. "We'll see about that, Seidou... Same terms for both of us." You teasingly whispered before letting him go and leaving to find your superior, leaving Takizawa to burn up from embarrassement all alone. 


"Hi! Suzuya Juuzou!" The white haired kid greeted, saluting to you all. You leaned towards Takizawa, still keeping an eye on the new recruit. 

"He looked a bit young on the profile pic, but that's just uncanny." You said in disbelief. "No way he's nineteen. He looks like he just turned eleven! And I won't even mention the androgynous appearance..." You muttered, making Takizawa snort. Thankfully, no one seemed to hear the two of you. 

"Suzuya will be assigned to Shinohara," Houji started, making the two of you stop chatting and start actually listening. You both respected Houji greatly, so ignoring him would probably have embarrassed the two of you to no end. "They'll be in the same ward as us." He finished, nodding to the two of you probably to ask you to introduce yourselves. 

"Uh, Rank 2 Takizawa Seidou, I look forward to working with you both." Your friend said, bowing his head towards Shinohara and Suzuya. 

"Rank 2 (L/N) (Y/N)!" You said, smiling at the new recruit. "It's nice to meet you, Suzuya, and I look forward to working with you both as well!" Your smile turned into a smirk when you noticed Suzuya's look on his face. 

An odd kid indeed. Looking closer, you noticed the red thread trailing up his arm, on his neck and on the corner of his lip and eye. Big Madam must have really made him immune to pain, because those have got to hurt, especially if they got infected. But you sort of admired him for the pain tolerance he had. It might be handy in battle. 

You snapped out of your thoughts and sat back down, still entertained by the way Suzuya still wasn't out of his... trance? Could you call it that? You decided to go with that. 

He hasn't been around many people before, but Suzuya couldn't help but stare at you. He didn't remember seeing someone with a combination of perfect (curly/wavy/straight...) (h/l) (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes match so well before, not to mention your bright smile and hypnotising voice. You had an oddly friendly aura around you, and his new mentor seemed to be okay with you, which meant you probably respected people, a thing he still had to learn. 

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