Second Chances | Irimi Kaya

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A/N: @_XLittleNightmareX_ told me she was gay for Irimi so here ya go bud (AND ITS SPOILER FREE!)

And did I insert myself (as a CCG investigator and a relative to Arima) into the story? yes. Yes i didly darn did. 

"I can't believe she just disappeared from the radar and now we still have to look for her!" You complained as your partner pushed the door to the new coffee shop open. 

"It's for safety mesures. You don't want that street dog to go around killing people again do you?" Rin stated, her voice lowering to a whisper once the two of you entered the shop. 

"But we haven't seen any news of her for months!" You whined, "Maybe she got killed or something. Can't we just close the case, Arima? Or even just give it to the Hachikawa squad!" 

"It's Rin, and no. We can't risk it. She could just be waiting for us to let our guard down. Now stop talking about that, not everyone can be trusted with CCG information, you know." The investigator sat down and glanced up at you, silently asking to the same. And so you did. Her gaze gave you chills and you were in no way going to endure it more than needed. 

"Anyways," You superior closed her eyes. 

'Here we go.' You mentally sighed. 

"How's it going? Any gossip in the office that us higher ups don't get to hear going around?" The girl gave you a bright smile as you tried your best to supress the shiver going down your spine. You hated when she switched from serious and deadly to happy-go-lucky. An Arima should not be able to do that. 

"Er, nothing much..." You trailed off. Thankfully, a waitress walked over, and saved you from the awkward conversation with your superior. You looked up to your savior, about to order the americano you had a craving for, but you found your mouth to be dry.  The thirst you were feeling towards the girl standing in front of you was strong

Her long, dark hair seemed to shine in the light, giving you the almost unbearable urge to stroke it, her soft eyes told you she seemed to be a somewhat shy girl, but they also seemed to hold some dark emotions, far behind.

While you sat there, gaping like a fish, you could hear Rin in the background ordering for the two of you, attempting to make conversation with the said waitress, who stuck with the bare minimum of words every time she answered. So maybe she was shy. But that was okay, you could try to initiate things yourself. 

"Hey, stop daydreaming, (Y/N)." Rin scolded, waving a hand in front of your face and successfully pulling you out of your trance. "You should get her number." She added, yet there was no teasing or suggestiveness in her voice. 

"Uh- why?" You asked, suspicious.

"I'm getting weird vibes from her and she probably knows about your puppy crush already, so you might be able to investigate her." She whispered, making you turn back to the girl who was now behind the counter, most likely preparing your drinks and food. 

"A ghoul?" You asked, uncertain. She didn't seem like the type... 

"Dunno yet, it's just a feeling I have." Rin answered. "But if she isn't, you'll still have her number." With a wink, the investigator turned serious once again and fell into a deep silence while you couldn't stop looking at the girl behind the counter. If you could only get a name...  


"Thank you!" You smiled brightly at the pretty girl as she gave you back your receipt for your part of the bill. You briefly glanced down at it before doing a double take at the number written on the bottom. 

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