Christmas | Suzuya Juuzou

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A/N: This was requested by @akkkbane ! I know it's not Christmas anymore, but it'll always be Christmas in my heart, and in this oneshot.

Ya'll better be happy, I'm sitting here during an exam period and writing x reader fanfiction.

In moments like these, you had no idea if Juuzou was your boyfriend or your son anymore. Watching him run into the living room, drop to his knees and stare at the pile of gifts under the tree with wide eyes gave you mixed feelings. The only thing that was certain was god damn he's so cute.

"Where'd all these come from?!" He squealed as he pulled up a box with his name on it (not that it could have gone any other way; they all had his name on them anyways). "These weren't here yesterday!"

"It's the magic of Christmas." You explained, sitting down on the couch as Juuzou stood there, bewildered. It must be his first Christmas.

That's kind of... sad.

"Well? What are you gawking at?" You asked, just a hint of impatience in your voice. "Open your presents! I'm curious!" About his reactions, that is. Not the gifts themselves. You bought all of them, so you obviously already knew what they were.

The white haired male's shoulders slightly slumped in realization, causing nervousness to grow within you. Was something wrong? Did you do something wrong? Why does he look so dejected out of a sudden?

"I didn't buy you anything..." Your boyfriend muttered, looking back at you with regret in his ruby irises. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), I didn't know you'd want to spend Christmas with me."

"That's what's gotten you all sad?" You waved him off. "That's alright, babe! I'm satisfied with having you by my side today. That's all I can ask for!"

That seemed to take most of the guilt off his shoulders. Juuzou's eyes regained their child-like sparkle as he looked back down to the box on his lap. Before you could tell him to open the gift, the investigator ripped the wrapping paper appart at an inhumanely fast pace and teared the box open to reveal what almost looked like an infinite source of sweets. He let out a marvelled gasp and looked back at you with the widest smile you had ever seen. "No way!"

"Now, now," You warned. "That's your stash for the office, alright? I know Shinohara's strict on sugar and it pains you, so I got you this stuff. Use it wisely, I'm only going to fill it back up around Valentines Day."

The young adult threw himself into your arms and hugged you tightly as he yelled out 'thank you's. You wrapped your hands around his waist to reciprocate his hug, feeling him shift and settle down in your lap.

Juuzou reeled back and gave you a bright smile before smashing his lips against yours in a messy, yet affectionate kiss that, in your opinion, should have lasted way longer than just two seconds.

He then pulled away and jumped back to the floor where two other boxes laid for him to open. You hid your grimace of pain as he looked back at you, silently asking you which he should open first.

"The small one." You choked out. This kid had a phenomenal ability to knee your thighs right where it hurt most... Note to self: Juuzou being on your lap is a dangerous hazard.

The young investigator then reached for the small box. Simultaneously, the bigger box resting behind it shuffled a bit to the left, making you flinch. Fuck, had he seen that? You hoped not. You desperately wanted to keep the last present a secret until the very end for him...

As if he remained in the dark about the mysterious moving box a few inches away from him, Juuzou unwrapped the small container in his hands and pulled out a set of keys. He observed them for a while before looking up at you. "What are these for?"

"My apartment." You answered. "I was wondering if you'd like to move in, considering you're here all the time anyways."

"What?!" He screeched. "Free meals, free cuddles, someone to do my paperwork all the time here too?! Hell yeah I'll move in!" Well, it seems like your boyfriend sees you more as a full-time assistant... Alright then.

Juuzou pocketed the keys while happily humming to himself. He then turned around and lifted the third box before exclaiming upon seeing how unstable it was in his hands. "This one's all wobbly!" Deciding to drag it gently on the floor instead, he lifted off the cover and peered in, his jaw falling slack upon seeing what was inside.

"I know I'm not always full of energy and ready to play," You started as your boyfriend lifted the small Australian shepherd puppy out of the box. "But I'm hoping he can play with you when I can't."

A small squeak left Suzuya's mouth as he cradled the puppy that was now trying his best to smell him and lick his skin. "We have a dog now?!" You knew he always loved animals, but this was just adorable. "Can we call him (Y/N)?"

"Why?" You asked. "That would be confusing..."

"Because I love you both!" He answered, as if the answer was obvious. "But oh my gosh, I love him so much!" He then settled the puppy in his lap and let it crawl all over him as it tried to lick him yet again. The sight was adorable.

The dog then noticed you and left Juuzou, running towards you and trying his best to climb the sofa, which proved to be impossible, meaning you had to lift it off the ground yourself. Once it started wriggling in your lap, your boyfriend joined you on the couch, watching the small creature with child-like wonder in his eyes. You smiled at his innocent expression. "So? How was your first Christmas?"

"Better than I could have ever imagined, but..." Your boyfriend hesitated before continuing his sentence, as if it was a borderline-dumb thing to say. "There'll be more food today, right? Because I heard that's what Christmas can be about sometimes, and I really like the food you cook!" That itself was still a shocking fact. Juuzou, eating things that weren't stuffed with sugar? It had seemed too good to be true, but it happened. And it still happens. The only healthy food he willingly eats is the stuff you cook.

"Yeah, don't worry! As soon as we get the fur ball to calm down a little bit, I'll go start making brunch."

Suzuya gasped as a wider smile spread on his lips. "I want to help!"

"I'll let you, but don't eat everything before the brunch is finished." You warned. As if on cue, the small puppy which was now part of your family yawned and settled down on the couch cushion next to the two of you. "About the pup, what are you gonna name him?"

The white haired male seemed to be thinking for a while. Actually, he seemed really deep in thought... "Anpan!"

You instantly frowned. Is he really going to name your dog after a pastry? As soon as that thought popped in your head, your frown disappeared and was replaced with an enamoured smile. What were you thinking? This is Juuzou you were talking about. Of course he'd name his dog after a pastry. "Anpan it is."

As you got up, you expected your boyfriend to follow you into the kitchen, but he remained by the couch. Seeing your confused look, he only flashed you a bright smile. "I'm going to try to teach Anpan his name!" He announced. You gave him a smile of your own and a nod before heading towards the kitchen.

Even while you were making food for the two of you, you could hear Juuzou in the living room.

"Now, you need to remember this, Anpan: your name is Anpan."


"No, don't look away, Anpan! You're supposed to look at the person who says your name when they say it! Let's try again!"

"Anpan-- Anpan, where are you going?! Anpan!"

It seems the dog had the personality of a cat. It didn't mean Juuzou loved him any less, though. And, to your great surprise, the canine responded to his name by the end of the day.

    For the next week or so, Juuzou couldn't stop smiling. His cheeks had gotten terribly sore because of it, but even there, the smile just wouldn't go. He had a cozy home now, with a significant other and a pet. He had a family. He had everything he needed.

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