Loser | Furuta Nimura

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A/N: this was requested by @foulbordel (nice username LMAO)! We got a lil angst for Nimura because apparently y'all love to make him sad as FUCK so here we are!
The amount of RESEARCH I had to do bro, fuckin insane I don't remember a thing.
Now please be careful as this chapter contains SPOILERS concerning FURUTA AND HIDE! But I mean Tokyo Ghoul was finished like a year ago we should all have the time to finish reading it
Last note: it's an Arima!reader because wowowo thats NEW and also idk it fit with the theme

     Reading the news, Furuta leaned back in satisfaction. A steel beam accident harming two people in the 20th ward. The papers confirmed what authorities had told the public; so far, they didn't see any tampering at the site. Nimura did what he had to do, and it payed off. There was one less obstacle separating him from his goal. Soon, he would reap the benefits of his sacrifices. And Rize would understand; of course she would, she would understand it all once she sees the big picture. No hard feelings. Well, maybe a bit.

     "I can't stay here all my life," you admitted, staring up at the clear, blue sky. "I want to be free, and travel, and learn about the things I like to do. I don't wanna go to the CCG like the others."

     Rize listened in silence, for her case was different from theirs. Nimura, on his side of things, felt a bit guilty. It was as if it were his fault that you were stuck here, even though he knew it wasn't. The silence stretched on, as if the entire conversation rested on your shoulders. Such a thing was rare, considering how much space your two friends' personalities usually took.

     "Kishou says his eye isn't working right." You blurted. Maybe today, they were there to listen to you. "He said he doesn't know if it will happen to me, too, but I don't want it to happen! I... I want to get out before it does."

     "So you should!" Your ravenette friend exclaimed. A newly-found energy took control of him. If he wanted anything, it was for you to be free of this place. And happy. And with him. "I'll help you if you want! I'll help you get free and then you can do whatever you want with your life!" The idea sounded amazing; it was fool-proof, no?

     "Yeah!" Rize cheered. "We'll help you get out! But you need to send us post-cards, okay? And one day, when we're all grown and out of here, you have to promise to see us again."

     Against all odds, you hesitated. Shyly, you turned your gaze down to your hands and started fidgeting. "...but my brother's gonna be stuck here." You muttered. After the Washuus got rid of your mother, Kishou was all you had that resembled full-blooded family.

     Nimura's heart pinched at the thought. In some way, you were right. Arima seemed to actually care for you. To some extent. Most people here weren't exactly... emotionally alright, but the two of you seemed close. And what about him? What about Furuta? He'd miss you when you'd be gone. He'd miss you a lot! There'd be a gaping hole in your trio.  But then again, he would rather miss you than see you being sad.

     "You'll get to see him again one day!" Nimura assured. That was mostly a lie, but you were still naive enough to believe it. Nimura would have said anything to make you happy.

     You looked at your friends with a slight twinkle of hope in your eyes, feeling your chest fill up with adoration. Oh, how you loved them. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

     That was the worse decision Furuta had ever made. From that night on, he had lost you from his sight for good. And with you, you dragged Rize. The disappearances had set the Garden on high alert and there had never been any hope for the poor ghoul to follow your footsteps.

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