Stress Relief | Mutsuki Tooru

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A/N: This was requested by @Ashes_HQ ! I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for requesting my Smol Bby Boy Tooru akajshdhsk

WARNING: THIS IS SMUT. SKIP IF YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE! Tooru has some kind of sensei kink in this one wink wonk. What a hottie.

(Heads up ya'll you're getting two days straight of Tooru smut bc of requests r i p)

I'm also sorry for not letting the reader get off too, I was just so focused on Tooru himself ;-;

    As horrible as he knew it was, Tooru couldn't take his eyes away from you as you spoke with Haise about certain cases that were assigned to the Quinx Squad. He still hadn't been able to move on from the initial shock he had received when he learned that one of his mentors was going to be you. You were just... He doesn't even know how to describe it. You're just... Your... 

    What were you doing babysitting a group of young adults? 

    Yeah, that was a nice way to put it. You deserved way better than the task you were given. Mutsuki actually felt bad whenever he'd see you trying to talk Urie out of things, or when you were in charge of attempting to get Saiko to leave her room (so far, you hadn't been able to do either). It certainly looked like a struggle and Tooru admired you for your strength and patience with them. 

    Not to mention how caring and passionate you were about things. The way you talked about things you loved was so endearing (one of them being the Quinx Squad, some how. He doesn't know how you managed to actually like babysitting them) to him. He also couldn't stand the way you looked at him whenever you two talked. 

    You always gave him a serene smile, your eyes looking at him with what looked like tenderness to him. Every time you'd say his name, it would send shivers down his spine (especially with the way you rolled the 'r' in his first name). Combine that with the fact that you'd take every opportunity you had to strike up a casual conversation with the boy and he was a goner.  He doesn't want to brag or feel over-confident but... He had a feeling that he was your favourite Quinx. And that did things to him. Wonderful things.

    So far, he knew he should have been ashamed of taking such a liking to his mentor, but he just couldn't stop himself. How could he? You were lovable in each and every way he could think of. Not to mention incredibly attractive... 

    His face burned bright red as he realized he was thinking all of this in your very presence. Without drawing too much attention to himself, the boy got up from his place on the couch and went upstairs to hide in his room. He felt like he was drowning in shame. 

    As soon as he had closed his door shut, Tooru threw himself onto his bed, burying his face in his pillow as he let out a frustrated scream. Why did he have to be the way he was? Why did he have to let himself fall so far into this weird... crush thing? Obsession? Infatuation? Love? He has no idea how he felt for you, but he does know that he wants to hold your hand. And kiss you. And hold you close. And feel you against his bare skin. He wants to lay beneath you and allow you to do whatever you pleased with his body. He wants to moan and scream your name until his vocal chords give out. He wants to be able to drag his nails down your back and feel as your muscles flex and relax under his hands. He wants you to worship his body and tell him how attractive he is to you. 

    The heat between his legs was too much for him to ignore. He knew he could have avoided this entire situation by just not thinking the way he thought, but in moments like these, he couldn't stop himself. You were like a craving to him-- No, more like an addiction. He can't just stop thinking about you. 

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