I Miss You | Mutsuki Tooru

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A/N: I may or may not have slightly based this off of Panamore's Still Into You... Whoops..? Also, this is sort of a Modern!AU where everyone's human and has a life in a world where ghouls don't exist! Also Tooru's past isn't the same (although it's not really mentioned in this one shot). In this one he had a normal and happy childhood because that's what the poor boy deserved, damn it!

Tooru glanced melancholically at his coffee mug. The coffee mug you had bought him three years ago as a Christmas gift. After so long, he really should have moved on, especially since you had both agreed that parting ways would be best, but... He couldn't.

He should have thrown out these sort of things. Things that just reminded him of you or things you had forgotten to pick up from his place, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He should be moving on, but his heart and mind just missed you so much that he wants to keep everything you had left here and hold it close to him, treasure and cherish it.

It doesn't help that he had to live every day of the week seeing you walk around the university campus, seeing how you had obviously moved on from him and instead of being mad, he just envied you for being able to do so.

Every time he'd see you in class or in between classes, he hated the way his heart fluttered, he hated the way he still felt like there were butterflies in his stomach every time you looked his way to give him a friendly smile and wave of your hand. He was really pathetic for not wanting (or being able) to move on.

He still loved you. He still loved all of you. He loved your bright smile, the one that would never fail to make his cheeks heat up at the sight, that would make him go weak at the knees, the one he would always strive to be the cause of. He loved how your lips slightly curled up and how sometimes you were trying to hide it, which just made the smile itself even lovelier. He loved being able to bring it onto your face by simply smiling himself.

He missed the laugh that would always accompany it. Whether it be small, almost inaudible giggles or loud guffaws, sending you both into hysterics. He often found himself recalling the melodic sound that would bring so much joy to his heart whenever he'd imagine it.

Even if he got to see you (and should be happy about it since it's not everyone who gets to stay in contact with their ex), he missed your bright (e/c) eyes, he missed getting to stare into them until he fell into a deep, peaceful slumber by your side. He missed your silky (h/c) hair that he used to rake his fingers through all the time. He missed being able to be so close, both emotionally and physically, with you.

One day, Tooru was head over heels for you, ready to die for your sake, ready to drop everything for you, and the next the two of you were suddenly falling out? What had he done? He does understand that the two of you were getting distant, the last few weeks of your relationship, but... Why had you gotten distant? Things were going so well. You had gotten so close to him and he, to you.

He was absolutely miserable without you. His grades were falling, he found himself easily distracted (mostly thinking of you instead of doing what he was supposed to do), he spent countless nights thinking of how much better things could have gone if he hadn't agreed to the breakup so quickly while the other nights of the week, he cried himself to sleep, missing the heat you provided him by sleeping next to him.

Mutsuki talked with you, though, and was doing an amazing job at hiding the fact that he was so heartbroken because of you. He hid it all behind a genuine-looking smile, faking the fact that he was still into you by avoiding you unless it was necessary for the two of you to have a conversation.

He still had your contact in his phone, he still briefly texted you if he needed information about a few things he had missed in class (due to his daydreams about you), never once thinking about blocking you like how so many other people would have done. He still pounced on his phone whenever you texted him back, just like he did when the two of you were still together.

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