Happy | Karren Von Rosewald

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A/N: THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS but I mean everything about Kanae contains spoilers sO

The reader refers to Karren as male bc once again she's clUELESS but the narrative uses female pronouns because I respect my sweet baby girl.



"Ah, Kanae, there you are!" The young girl rose her head at her new name only to be met by her older cousin, Shuu. Giving him a questioning look, the teen continued to speak.

"This is (Y/N)! She's the only other ghoul who goes to the same school as me!" He aimed both of his arms at someone beside him, smiling. It was obvious the poor boy was trying to cheer her up. The attempt nearly made her smile. Nearly.

"Hey." You calmly said, waving. "It's a good thing Shuu introduced us, because you'll see me a lot more in the near future." You gave her a smirk and extended your hand.

"Schön dich zu treffen." You spoke, practically fluently.

Taken aback, Karren gave your hand a loose grip, stuttering. "E-es ist schön, dich a-auch zu treffen..."

You smiled brightly when she let go of your hand. She could feel that you were a good person, and maybe with both you and Shuu around, she could try to be happy again.

"Now come along, (Y/N)! I'll help you with your homework!" Shuu said, taking your hand and dragging you away from his cousin. You let out an angelic laugh.

"You're the one who's having trouble in chemistry, Shuu!"

Watching the two of you leave, Karren couldn't help but wonder what kind of family you had, to be allowed to be around Shuu so casually.

"What do you want to be when you grow up, Kanae?" You asked, settling down near a bush of roses, inspecting them carefully.

The young girl froze. This was the first time you had been around her without Shuu being here. Was she allowed to... Certainly, you just asked her a question! She had to answer, no?

"I want to serve Master Shuu." She said, watering another bush of roses near the one you were looking at.

Frowning, you looked up at her. "I'm sorry?"

Oh no. Did she offend you? Did she do something wrong? The only thing she said was that she wanted to serve the Tsukiyama family! Did that offend you..?

"I apologize! I didn't mean to offend you in any way." Karren bowed.

"You did nothing wrong, Kanae. I just... Are you a servant?" You asked, bewildered.

"Of course I am." She replied. "I owe the Tsukiyama family my life, so I serve them to repay my debt."

"But... You're so young! Shouldn't you be going to school, making friends, and having fun? Don't you have a dream future?" You asked. "This could be considered child abuse in human society!"

How were you so upset over something like this? Sure, it flattered Karren that you cared so much, but this seemed so obvious to her.

"I'm sorry for overreacting. Maybe it's normal in rich families... But I thought maybe you'd just... Be a part of the Tsukiyama family, seeing as you're related by blood..." You explained. "See, I'm from the middle class, so... I don't know a lot about stuff like this... Sorry."

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