Horrible Things | Urie Kuki

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A/N: idk how I feel about this one but ShirazuTwin!reader because this needs something like that and I LOVE the idea of Urie ending up with someone like that lol.
Also oops it's ANGST.

[iPhone 6s, gray]

You threw your phone up and down while your brother was somewhere out there trying to get Saiko to commit to the 'super urgent squad meeting' he insisted he had to hold—even if he wasn't the squad leader.

"I got her!" He shouts as he enters the living room, plopping her on a chair and sitting next to you, placing an arm behind the couch and tilting his head back to breath better. This girl drained so much energy out of him... You liked it.

"There's no way Saiko did that to you." You said, trying your best to hold your grin from appearing on your face.

"Don't even start. I won't hesitate to hurt you, (Y/N)."

"Let's not get violent again, please." Mutsuki begged. "But where's Mister Sasaki? Shouldn't he be here if this is a squad meeting?"

You nodded at the green head's words, silently agreeing while pocketing your phone away.

"I'm pretty certain it's not him." Ginshi said, lowering his head back to all of you.

"The way you say it sounds like someone got murdered and you're looking for the culprit." You commented, raising an eyebrow at your brother's odd behaviour.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he killed someone." Urie spoke, making you remember that the manipulative bastard was right there beside you. You raised an eyebrow at him, confused. "Shirazu, that is." At this, you nodded your head, letting out a small 'ah' of agreement as your twin brother hit you upside the back of your head.

"If that were the case you wouldn't be here, moles." Your twin answered, making you snicker. "I heard someone in the office likes (Y/N) and I want to know who the bastard is."

Your heart felt like it dropped, forcing you to become mute for the time being. Luckily 'moles' stepped in for you, speaking your exact thoughts.

"Are you seriously trying to hold a gossip session?" He asked, bewildered by Ginshi's stupidity.

"No, I want to know who it is." He growled. Ah, there was the murder part you were expecting. He was gonna kill the poor guy, wasn't he?

...you really should print out some kind of business cards saying 'please don't mess with the Shirazu's' on it... It might save a few lives.

"Calm down, Shirazu." Mutsuki spoke. "It's not so bad, is it? The chances that (Y/N) likes them back-"

"Are zero." Saiko answered, apparently awake. "Because Shira-chan likes someone else~" she teased, sending a knowing wink your way. How'd she even know?!

"WHAT?!" Your brother yelled, making everyone—Urie included—jump and wince.

"Calm yourself, demon." You muttered, crossing your arms to form a cross. "It's just a crush, not like I'm gonna fool around with him-" Shit. That's a bit too much information right there...

"So it's a him?! What if it's the same guy that likes you?! I'm telling Sassan! No one's fucking my sister!" He exclaimed, getting up.

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