Supernatural | Tsukiyama Shuu

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A/N: I TRIED MAKING THE READER GENDER NEUTRAL OKAY I APOLOGIZE FOR ALL THE FEM READERS! And this one's slightly spooky because there's mentions of the supernatural like demons and poltergeists and such, so watch out. 

If you don't know how to picture the creature, just try to think how that girl's soul that the demon thing was trying to take looked like from Insidious Chapter 3. It sorta looks like that (since it was just purely fuckin screwed up). 

Also I made a joke during a moment that really wasn't the time to be joking around ok I'm sorry if it ruins the scene but I couldn't help myself. 

Shuu watched as Matsumae entered the room, a small smile on her face. "Master Shuu, (Y/N) is here." She spoke. The purple head closed the book he was reading without even taking note of the page before getting up and following the dark haired girl in front of him, leading him towards the entrance. 

"Did they say why they were here?" He asked. You hadn't told him you were stopping by, and he remembers you telling him you'd be slightly busy for the next month, since you moved to a new house. But a visit out of the blue like this was pleasant, nonetheless. 

Matsumae shook her head as the two of them finally got to you. Shuu greated you with a bright smile and words as kind as ever, yet you seemed deep in thought, almost ignoring him. 

"Is everything alright?" He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. You flinched, but apologized for your behaviour, shaking your head. 

"I'm okay, but I was wondering if you could sleep over at my place tonight? There's a few things I need help with..." You said, keeping your gaze on the ground. You'd understand if he refused your offer, but if he did, you'd have no choice but to go back there, alone. And that would probably mean you actual death, seeing how this plan won't work so well alone... 

"A sleep over?" Tsukiyama asked, smirking. "It's about time! What kind of best friends would we be if we didn't have a sleep over?" This man's positivity was greatly appreciated, but you didn't think it'd balance out the pure evil in your new house. Plus, the title 'best friend' stung a little, too... 

"Pack up the necessaries, because I'd like to get back with you, since there's a bit of explaining I need to do." You answered, scratching the red spot on your arm, which Matsumae took notice of. 

"I'm sorry for asking, but what happened to your arm?" She asked hesitantly. Shuu soon noticed too and gasped. 

Glancing down, you nervously chuckled. "It happened this morning." You answered. "It's sort of part of the explanation." You said. 

"It looks like you got clawed by an animal. Do you have a stray problem?" Shuu asked, tugging you along with him upstairs to his room to gather the stuff he needed for the 'sleep over'. 

"Sort of..." You muttered. 

"You're being mysterious and I want real answers, (Y/N)." The male warned as he entered the room and immediately went searching for a bag. 

"You'll get them, I swear." You answered, sitting on his bed. "But I can't risk anyone hearing me. They'll send me to an asylum in no time." You said, laughing at the image. You'd easily see Kanae ratting you out... He's always been rather salty about the idea of you and Chie being close to Shuu. 

"I'm brimming with curiosity, dear." He said, zipping up the bag. How'd he get all his stuff this fast?! Damn, this man was quick. "Shall we get going?"

You nodded and got up, walking alongside him to the main entrance of the manor, smiling and nodding at Matsumae who was holing the door open for the two of you. 

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