Empty Threats | Furuta Nimura

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A/N: This contains SPOILERS for those who haven't finished the manga, NEAR DEATH experiences (and I mean like murder bc it's Furuta, duh) and COARSE LANGUAGE. Read at your own risks!!

I have NO idea about how I feel about Furuta, so this might not be my best one shot ever (although I'm super hyped to write it). On one side, I really don't like him for taking advantage of others and stuff like that but listen I also feel super bad for him because I mean the poor guy had an awful life and everyone seemed to keep leaving him. He's just so broken I'm--

This was requested by @XxCrossbow_IVxX
I hope you enjoy!!

Lol Furata has so many names I didn't know which one to put in but oh well Nimura it is (I was about to go with Washuu Kichimura instead but I realised the title on its own would be a spoiler if I did that oops). 

"Well, well, look who swung by!" You exclaimed, flashing your boyfriend a smile as soon as he entered your kitchen. "Thought you were working today?" 

"Hm, I could ask you the same, dear." He hummed, sitting down at the table and leaning his head on his hand, watching you wash the dishes. 

"My squad had a day off." You answered nonchalantly, still eyeing him with a suspicious glint in your stare. "What's your excuse?" 

"Kijima-san let me go today!" He happily exclaimed before giving you a heartwarming smile. "I thought you'd enjoy my company." 

"You thought right, then." You replied. The way you seemed to melt at the sight of his smile did not go unnoticed by neither of you. "God, why are you so adorable?" 

Nimura simply chuckled at your question, but it was deeper than he thought you had meant. 

How was  he so okay with all of this? Ever since you managed to dig up all that information on what Furuta truly was, you had always wondered how he seemed so... Normal. As if his fate didn't faze him at all. Or maybe he was just a really good actor, you didn't know, although it made a lot of sense. You were just impressed that he could keep it together so well. 

Not that you'd ever approach him on the subject. That was the last thing you wanted to do, break his little fantasy world in which his life was normal. Instead, you made it your goal to make him feel loved and let him know that unlike many people in his life, you're not going anywhere any time soon. 

"You okay? You've been zoning out there, (Y/N)." Nimura teased, poking your cheek with his pointer finger. When had he gotten this close?

You shook your head, attempting to focus back on reality. "Oh? Sorry, I guess I was lost in some thoughts." You apologetically said. 

"Is something bothering you?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern and leaning closer to you. 

"I'm good, thanks for the concern." You quickly said, pecking his lips before returning to drying the rest of the dishes. 

Apparently, Nimura was not going to take that as the final answer. 

He wrapped his arms around you, pressing his face into your back. "You know you can tell me, right? You can tell me anything." He muttered, although there was a darker undertone in his voice, which you picked up. 

"Same goes for you." You retorted, forgetting to filter your words before speaking. You didn't mean to make it sound so accusatory, it just slipped out...  


"What's that supposed to mean?" Furuta chuckled. "Do you think I'm lying to you?" 

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