Coward | Abara Hanbee

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A/N: WHY DOES HANBEE HAVE NOTHING?? He's such a sweet guy what the h*ck and I love him. Yet, I just give him angst and the worst possible. I'm a horrible person and I am aware of that fact.


By the way, the reader doesn't return Hanbee's feelings in this, and I don't support leading someone on, okay? It's just that the reader's scared to hurt people's feelings and lead the poor Hanbee on (both subconsciously and not). They did it, but don't follow that example and do it in real life.

Heads up, this has ANGST and SEXAL CONTENT. Not an actual smut scene, it just suggests some stuff. Really bad stuff.

Hanbee helplessly watched as you took down the ghoul who was about to kill him, cutting its head clean off. Quick and painless, something only you'd do, out of fear of harming the ghoul too much. Hanbee had always loved how considerate you were, even towards ghouls. You could think so much in mere seconds, summing up the best plans he had ever heard of in the most tense and hopeless situations. You had a mind like no other. Without you, he doesn't know what the squad would do. He doesn't know what he'd do if you weren't there for him.

"Hey, it's done, it's alright." You reassured, taking his hand in yours and pulling him up without struggle. How strong you were, for someone your size. So much potential, and none of it was wasted. "Glad I got here before the ghoul killed you!" You said optimistically.

"I'm sorry for being such a burden." Hanbee spoke once he was stable on his feet. Ah, there's the awful feeling of hatred he felt for himself. He had forgotten about it for an instant.

"'Sall good," You waved off, before stopping. "Wait! I mean, you're not a burden! Not at all! I appreciate you as a co-worker and a friend, so you're not a burden by any means! Thanks to you, I had an open shot back there! How's that being a burden?" You quickly said, trying to take back your words. He was by no means a burden.

"Thank you, (L/N)." Hanbee answered, fighting back a chuckle at how desperate you seemed to let him know he wasn't a burden. "I appreciate you as well." He added, slightly smiling. That was far from the feelings he actually had for you, but he knew to keep those hidden since you deserved far better than him.

"Aw, thank you Abara!" You said, opening your arms but stopping yourself before asking; "Can I hug you?"

Hanbee nodded (a bit too quickly) but tensed up once your arms wrapped around his body, obviously flustered.

"You can hug back if you want." You said, your voice slightly muffled from having your face pressed up against his chest, heart beat speeding once you allowed him to return the affectionate gesture. You could probably hear it loud and clear, but he payed no mind to that detail right now. The two of you remained that way, ignoring the bleeding, decapitated ghoul behind you for a while until-

"Hanbee! (Y/N)! The clean up squad's coming soon, you can be a cute couple after we report to them!" Your squad leader said, smiling at the sight of you both.

Hanbee quickly lets go of you, internally whining at the lack of physical contact, while externally whining at his boss. "Suzuya-senpai! (L/N) and I aren't- we're not- That's unprofessional!" He said, looking at you in dire need of assistance, seeing as his heated face was causing his brain to overheat as well.

You, however simply shrugged. It's not that big of a deal, right? For all you know, Juuzoou's just trying to get a reaction out of you both, and as much as you love playing along with your superior to embarrass and annoy Hanbee sometimes, you didn't want to include yourself in his to-embarrass list.

Hanbee watched as you walked up to your squad leader, apparently unfazed by being mistaken for a couple. What does that mean? That you do see him that way? Of course not. You'd never go for someone as cowardly as him and weak as him. But if you didn't want people to think the two of you were together, wouldn't you have said something? But then, look at him. He harbours feelings for you and there he goes trying his best to let his mentor know that the two of you aren't a thing. This is such a complicated subject...

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