Truth | Shirazu Ginshi

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I was too tired to proof read this so there might be some mistakes, sorry...

You sighed in relief when you pushed the secret box containing your mask and hunting clothes in the back of your closet without interruption and got up, satisfied with your work. Now, if you rationalize your food well enough, you should have some for at least two months. Everything was okay for now.

Closing your closet door, you walked out of your room and to the kitchen to double check if the human flesh was hidden well enough before heading to your living room to plop down on your couch with a sigh. 

You hated this whole process, but it was mandatory. 

You hated being a ghoul, but it wasn't something you couldn't change. 

The only thing that brightened up your life was the fact that there was at least someone out there who helped you feel human. With him around, you'd forget what you really are and you could pretend to be on the other side of the war, where everything seemed easier. You'd sometimes get so into the role that you'd eat human food by accident. Thank god you knew how to act in those situations (you owed a lot to Yoshimura and Touka for that). 

Your thoughts were interrupted by that very human, walking into your apartment and bringing a smile to your face. 

"Hey, sorry I didn't swing by earlier, there was a ghoul problem a bit further down town." Shirazu said, giving you an apologetic kiss on the forehead before letting himself drop on the couch near you, oblivious to your frown. 

"Did you catch it?" You asked, turning your frown upside down. You knew he was talking about you. 

"No, it ran away before we could attack and it managed to kill someone, too. Luckily, the poor guy wasn't married, but still... His family must be heartbroken." 

Okay, was he doing this on purpose? Because if you didn't feel like shit before, you sure as hell did now. 

"That's awful." You answered. "Luckily he didn't have a significant other, right?" 

Shirazu frowned. Did you say something wrong..? 

"Hey, promise me you won't wander around at night like that?" He asked. "I really don't want to chase a ghoul and learn that you were their latest meal." 

"I swear I won't get eaten." You answered, leaning onto his side and yawning. "But you have to promise me you won't get yourself killed, either." 

"I promise." He answered, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 

Although you usually loved cuddling with Ginshi like this, the recent conversation just made it impossible for you to escape into your human fantasy. 

Because you killed a possibly innocent man. One with a family, with friends who will mourn him. And you stole him away for his flesh. The thought of it made you sort of sick... 

"Hey, you okay? I didn't mean to spook you with the ghoul stuff, sorry." 

You quickly shook your head and assured him it was okay. 

"Hm, okay." He answered, heart fluttering when he felt you shift against him to get comfy. "Hey, could I spend the night? We haven't spent time together in a while and I wanna make it up to you." He said. 

You beamed up at him, causing Shirazu to give you a sharp toothed grin in exchange. 

"No." You said, making the blonde's smile fall quickly. 

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