Smiles | Yomo Renji

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A/N: This was requested by @Yumichild Basically Yomo and the reader's child is Ichika's first cousin once removed. That's... really complicated, wow. Can you believe Yomo's child is Touka and Ayato's cousin? THE AGE DIFFERENCE OH MY G O D.

By the way this contains SPOILERS to the series. Like, Spoilers galore. If you haven't finished Tokyo Ghoul yet, read at your own risk.

LAST THING: I never wrote Yomo before so I'm really sorry if this is OOC! ;-; Plus I'm sort of sick and super tired, so this might not be my best oneshot ever... 

    "Are you alright?" You worriedly asked, squatting down to observe the heavily injured ghoul. "Sorry, that was a stupid question. Of course you aren't." You reached out towards the ghoul to test the waters. He backed away before you could touch his wound, obviously wary of you. And he had every right to be. A stranger finds a ghoul in an alley and tries to touch them. Who wouldn't be suspicious at first?

    The teen looked you up and down -- huh, he doesn't look to be much older than yourself -- before grimacing. "Which are you?" He forced out. 

    You chuckled. "It's tough to figure out, isn't it? But don't use too much energy to figure it out, you need to heal first." No one had ever been able to discover your half human origins before, so you had gotten used to the constant question being 'what are you'. Without waiting any longer, you dropped the bag you had on your back to the ground, making the ghoul flinch. "Calm down, I'm not gonna take out a quinque. It's just some food to help you."

    The silver haired male gazed down at the package sitting in your hands. "In case you're one of those guilt-free ghouls -- which I highly doubt right now --, it's a suicide victim. I didn't kill him myself." You then undid the wrapping and handed him the human flesh, turning around to let him eat in peace. 

    Yomo sat up and couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows. "I could attack you right now." He muttered before consuming the meat you had given him. "It's imprudent to turn your back on a wounded ghoul." The confidence you had right now almost pissed him off. Who did you think you were, to treat him as some kind of wounded child? If he didn't know any better, he would have said Uta sent you to check on him (and then payed you to mock him). 

    "You don't look like the type." You answered, waiting for his signal before turning around. Once he gave it, you looked back at him, happy to see his wounds were already healing. "Mind telling me what happened?" 

    "Friend of mine attacked me." He muttered. 

    "What a great friend." You sarcastically answered before walking over and pulling him up. Earlier, he thought you were human, but the strength you had was far beyond a normal human's. What were you? "If you let me, I can bring you somewhere safer." 

    "Why would I trust you?" 

    "Why would you still consider someone who nearly kills you a friend?"

    Renji sighed. Did he really have another choice? Besides, he knew looks can be misleading sometimes, but you just didn't seem to be that kind of person. "Fair point."


    "Hey," You greeted, gently elbowing Yomo as you eyed the empty coffee shop. "Know what today is?" 

    The now cool-headed male looked down at you in confusion. 

    "On this day, three years ago, I saved you from a fatal wound Uta caused. Three years ago, you officially became a member of Anteiku!" You said, your smile widening. "You grew so much." You teased in the process, pinching his cheek as you cooed. 

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