Secrets | Karren Von Rosewald

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Also: I am aware that I'm referencing her as a 'he' for most of the oneshot, but since the reader's oblivious to her true gender, I decided to use male pronouns until the reader finds out.

"So what are you going to do now, (Y/N)?" You glanced at your big sister, conflicted.

"I don't know." You answered truthfully. "There's nothing we can do about Shuu now, is there, Chie?"

You glanced back at the tower where the two of you met up with the broken man. You felt horrible about this whole thing. Kaneki's death was taking a toll on a lot of people.

You felt heartbroken, of course, but you decided that you'd let those feelings out later, when you were alone.

Since Tsukiyama had introduced you to the sweet boy, you had noticed how the purple haired man seemed so attached to him. Yes, he said it was because he smelled and tasted delicious, but you could see that beneath all that ghoul talk, Kaneki was indeed Shuu's friend. And a friend of Shuu is someone you'll respect as long as they live.

"I don't think Kaneki's dead. The doves probably kept him." Your sister said out of the blue, aiming her camera at a nearby tree. "You should get in the CCG, sis. It'd be funny if I was right, no?"

You stopped walking to look at her. She was so frighteningly chill about a subject like this, you found yourself wondering if she was completely sane more than you'd like to admit. "You want me to risk so much just to see if your guess was right?"

"What would you be risking?" She shrugged.

"Uh, the Tsukiyama family's trust, for one." You said, in a 'duh' tone. "If the CCG does enough background checks, there's no way they wouldn't find something fishy about us!"

"What background?" She asked. Your shoulders fell.

She was right, in a way. There wasn't must info on Chie, much less on yourself. Sure, the two of you were good friends of the Tsukiyama family, but with the lack of contact with the rest of the world, no one really knew except for the two of you.

"I wouldn't mind if you went with them." Chie said. "I won't miss you that much anyway. Less trouble for me."

"Yeah, but I wouldn't be able to be there for Shuu... The servants'll have a lot of trouble, I can feel it."

"Can't believe you care more about leaving him than me." She pouted, and started walking once more. You followed her, silent. Once you had caught up with her, she spoke up once more. "It's not really Tsukiyama you'll miss, is it?"

You looked away, shame eating you up. "Of course I'll miss Shuu..." You said, staring at the ground. "But I guess I'll miss Matsumae too, and Aliza, and... And Kanae-"

"I think he likes you too, (Y/N). I hear your name a lot when he randomly speaks German."

"Can you understand German, Chie?"

"What kind of question is that?" She grimaced. "Of course not."

"Then he might as well be muttering about how I'm human trash, no one would know."

"We could ask the rose he always carries around." You gave your sister a glare before giggling. "Yeah, right."

"But really, (Y/N)." Her serious tone threw you off. "I heard they're taking just about anyone for these QS projects. Who knows, maybe you'd be compatible? Besides, with that much more RC cells in your body and a red and black eye, maybe you'll get along even better with Kanae."

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